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Fine Motor Skills Activities, Printables, and Resources

As parents I’m sure that you have heard the term “fine motor skills”. Whilst we all know that it’s important not many people know exactly why. Fine motor skills refers to the coordination between small muscles in your baby’s body, like those of the fingers and hands, with their eyes. This coordination allows your child to learn things like brush their teeth, hold a pencil, and tie their shoelaces. That’s why fine motor skills activities are important for your child to develop.

We have a lot of resources and printables for you in many subjects, including fine motor skills. Our collection of fine motor skills activities and printables are a great way to practice these skills with your kids and help them develop them.

Fine Motor Skills Printables + Activities

If you are looking for some fine motor skills activities and printables you've come to the right place!

We hope you found some fun ideas, activities, and printables to use with your kids. We thought it would be relevant to also add a few tips for parents and carers to help you in developing your kids motor skills. Find them below!

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