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Children’s behaviour

When you are a parent, your children’s behaviour can be both a joy, and a constant source of frustration. From understanding how to manage persuading your toddler not to have tantrums, to getting them to tidy up their toys, and eat their greens.

Every stage of a child’s life brings with it, its own children’s behaviour challenges.

Parenting styles are different for every parent, and for every child. What might work for you, may not work for someone else. This is why we are trying to bring lots of different perspectives and experiences to helping you, and your kids with the behaviour challenges you experience through your parenting journey.

From helping with reward charts, and chore charts, to understanding the best tactics when moving from a cot to a bed, managing toddler tantrums, and other children’s behaviour milestones; we may not have all the answers. However, we do try and make sure that you don’t feel alone in the struggles that every parent faces when trying to make sense out of their children’s behaviour.

Our articles talk about the importance of developing positive habits within our children from an early age, including mindfulness and empathy.

We are open in various parenting techniques, from positive parenting, to authoritative ideas. We are, whatever our philosophy, aiming to raise, happy, healthy confident kids.

We explore children’s behaviour alongside helping them to express and name the emotions that they experience, to bring a positive effect both on their emotional well-being, but also their mental health.

In turn, focusing on your children’s wellbeing, and being positive can have a great effect on parental mental health too. Our own behaviour does have an effect on how our children behaviour as well; so it pays to be mindful of how we treat and manage their emotions, so that they can learn positive coping strategies from us.