Are you looking for something fun to do with your kids? This ‘design your own superhero mask’ activity is a fun activity to do on a rainy day, holiday break, or during the weekend when the weather outside isn’t quite so inviting. Why not do it alongside our how to draw a comic book character as well?

This rainy day activity is another idea for play alongside a picture book from Trigger Publishing and Upside Down Books. This book, is Superheroes Don’t Get Scared (Amazon affiliate link) by Kate Thompson, illustrated by Clare Elsom (RRP £6.99) from Upside Down Books. This is a new picture book that helps children realise that fear is natural. In an effort to normalise fear, the author helps children to work out that there really is a superhero inside of everyone.
Superheroes Don’t Get Scared by Kate Thompson will work best for children ages 5-7.
The first activity you can do alongside reading this book is a ‘design your own superhero mask‘. We think this is super cool, and allows the kids to get creative with their own idea of what a superhero mask might look like.
This free printable is a fun way to encourage your kids to create their own superheroes……
If you did want to just print out a superhero mask template – we have have another one available on the site, so check this one out too.
You can cut the mask out, attach some string or elastic so your child can pop it on and zoom off to face any fear they have. Whilst decorating the mask, you can talk to your child about why they may be feeling nervous, and explain the messages from the book, that it’s perfectly alright to be scared and that true bravery is in facing your fears.
You can print the superhero mask activity for each child, gather some colouring materials like coloured pencils, crayons and markers. Have your children use kid-friendly scissors to cut along the lines of the superhero mask printable.
Design your own superhero mask
We know you like to see what you are getting before you download your mask – so do check this one out below – simple but effective, we think that you will agree. There are two different superhero mask shapes to choose from as well…

Don’t forget to grab your copy of Superheroes Don’t Get Scared by Kate
Thompson, illustrated by Clare Elsom (RRP £6.99) from Upside Down Books before starting this activity. You can read the book before this ‘design your own superhero mask’ activity and then have fun chatting about emotions while your children transform into little superheroes.
To download this activity, but click on the circular image below, and there you have it!
If you would like to do some more book related activities to help your children with their thoughts and feelings, we have a few from Upside Down Books and beyond – do take a look at them:
Mindfulness activity sheets for kids
We have a few activity sheets from Upside Down Books on the site - take a look at these, but search Mindfulness on KiddyCharts, or choose the heading from the Menu above to explore more.
How to help kids understand life better - mindfulness activity
A simple little activity to help children to understand their life and therefore help deal with it just that little bit better.
Complete the mandala mindful activity for kids
Getting our kids to focus and be more mindful by asking them to complete a Mandala and then colouring it in. Such a relaxing and focused activity.
Mindful mantras for kids free printables
Positive thoughts for kids to use to start the day - some mindful mantras for positive thinking.
How to calm kids with a present moment wheel
Using a present moment wheel to help calm children's thoughts and feelings.
There are a few ideas from other sites too – so take a look at these as well.
Mindful activities for kids from other sites
Here are a few more ideas for you about mindful activities that your kids can do today.
50 Mindful Journal Prompts for Teens
Some prompts for the journal that you might now have from Upside Down Books - or just some general journaling ideas for your kids.
Tip To Encourage Mindful Sibling Relationships
Ideas for encouraging mindful sibling relationships - something that we struggle with a little in our perhaps some of you do to?
Inspiring Your Child to Love Themselves
Helping your kids with their self-esteem is a great way to encourage them to be more mindful too. Why not check out this advice to help them?
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