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Mindfulness is important for our kids – and what better way to help them achieve mindfulness every day is to encourage the to have mindful mantras that they can say out loud to themselves whenever they need to. We have got a few mindful mantras for kids to share today from another great publication from Trigger that helps our kids with their anxieties and feelings headon. This book has a few activities for them to do to help them relax and chill: Chill Out Mindful Activities (Amazon UK).

There are a few mindful mantras to choose from, but before we give these to you…
What is a mindful mantra?
A mantra is a phrase of a word that aids meditation, in the simplest terms. So a mindful mantra is one that focuses you on the self and the current moment. The mantras we are suggesting here, are most suitable for children of course, but there is no reason why they shouldn’t be adapted and used for anyone that needs a mantra to help calm and centre them.
And remember, meditation doesn’t have to be for a long time, sometimes all you need is just a simple, quiet moment for yourself with a purpose to help yourself feel better for the day.
Examples of mindful mantras for kids
We have a few on the sheet that you can pass to your children, or your classroom, to get them to focus and meditate:
- Today will be a _______ day and I will do my best to make it so.
- May I be _______ and _______. May you be _______ and _______.
- I will be _______ and _______ to everyone I meet today.
- I will smile and be _______ as much as I can.
- I am _______ and _______. May I always be like this.
Alongside this, it is helpful to think about what positive words about ourselves and our feelings that we can use to help complete the mantras too.

It might sound and feel a little strange to say these things out loud at first, but we promise that it gets a little easier the more you do it, and it is something that people get the hang of in time. The MORE you do these exercises the MORE you will feel comfortable with them.
To download the sheet so you can work on it with your kids – just click on the square image below.

Why not check out some of the other mindful activities on the site?
Help your kids in identifying their feelings with these feelings resources that we have for you on the site.
How to help kids understand life better - mindfulness activity
Help your kids be more in tune and understand life better. Have a look at this mindfulness activity.
Friendship mindful activity for kids: Friends who lift my spirits most
Friendship is such an important thing for kids, which is why we have this lovely friendship mindful activity for them to discuss their friends and how they make them feel.
In the moment mindfulness activity for tweens
Help your teens work on their mindfulness with this in the moment mindfulness activity.
There are, of course, other sites you can take a look at too.
Mindful activities for kids from other sites
Here are a few more ideas for you about mindful activities that your kids can do today.
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Some prompts for the journal that you might now have from Upside Down Books - or just some general journaling ideas for your kids.
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