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Restful joy: How to de-stress hanging out with your kids

As parents, we love our children – but at the same, we know how it is almost impossible to de-stress around them. They have too much energy for us to keep up, not to mention that their shrieking as they play around can stress us out even further. BUT, have you heard of restful Joy – the art of hanging out with your kids helping you to de-stress?

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Restful joy: How to get de-stressed hanging out with your kids

They are children, they have to let go of their extra energy somehow – so, can we just go with the flow and relax with them as well.


Well, the good news is that kids can be easily entertained – provided you choose the right toys and activities to pick their interest. There are plenty of activities that can be interesting to you and your children alike. Here are some pointers that you may follow.

If you find what works for you, it is so much easier to be in the moment with your kids and practise mindfulness while we play, rather than worrying about what we aren’t do when we are with them. It is often the way our thoughts turn to the activities that we think we should be doing as adults that can stress us out about the time we spend with our kinds.

Be aware, be mindful, and practise that restful joy.

Play games

de-stress playing games with them kids

You are never too old for playing games – and luckily, board games and card games can be entertaining anywhere, at any place. It may be a round of Monopoly, where you try to buy off as much land as possible – or it may be a kid-friendly version of Cards against Humanity (yes, there are family-friendly editions for this). You have a wide choice.

Just keep the recommended age in mind. For example, some board games and card games are oriented towards 5-7 years old children, whereas others are more appropriate for children aged 10. Make sure to always read the label.

Exercise together

Do you want to do something to relax and keep your kid busy? In that case, you might want to try exercising together. Burn that extra steam off, while helping your child push away some energy. Not only will you keep yourself in shape, but it will also ensure your children sleep soundly throughout the night.

Exercising can involve a lot of activities. You do not necessarily have to go for the classic yoga – your kid will probably get bored in the next five minutes anyway. Instead, fool them into exercising, without them realizing that they are doing it. Ride your bikes, start a dance session – anything to keep your kid on the move.

Drawing and crafting

de-stress doing crafts with the kids

Drawing can be very relaxing and therapeutic – and the good news is that children love doing that as well. Give a kid some paper and a pack of crayons, and they will probably be entertained for the next couple of hours. And since the child is entertained, you can also relax your mind while putting some colour on the paper.

Plus, drawing has a great role in your child’s development. It develops their fine motor skills, improves their concentration, and it helps them build their hand-eye coordination. So, not only will the silence and activity of drawing relax you, but it will also keep your children entertained while helping them in their development.

If you are not a fan of drawing, try out some crafting instead. Try making some origami or make some DIY bead bracelets. The artistic part of it will certainly pick your kid’s interest, keeping them entertained and focused while allowing you to de-stress.


de-stress cooking with the kids

Here’s a good idea to keep yourself relaxed, particularly if you like cooking and need some indoor activities: let them join you while you are cooking. Most of the time, they probably only watch you cook – so, being allowed into the action will interest them enough to make them focus.

Give them a recipe that they can follow or give them some tasks that they can complete. You can have them help with meals as well, but to get them fully interested, you might want to try baking and decorating instead. After all, kids love sweets.

Get creative in the kitchen and give each other some tasks. For example, you may bake the bottom of the cupcake, and they will have to put in the frosting and the sprinkles. Plus, once you are done with everything, you will get to relax while eating them – so basically, you will be feeding two birds with one scone.

Listen to an Audiobook

Children love stories, but sometimes, you may not feel like reading them yourself. Thankfully, we live in a time where audiobooks exist. Whip out a Harry Potter audiobook and watch as your kid gets immersed into the world of Hogwarts. Or choose any other book that you believe they will find interesting.

The advantage of this is that you will also be the one relaxing. Since you will not be reading out loud, you will be able to immerse yourself in the book – to listen just like your kids are doing. This kind of activity allows you to multitask and do your things around the home, making it the perfect choice for busy moms.

Amazon Audible is a good example of a site with loads of choice for audio books, and they currently have a month long free trial. It is £7.99 a month after this first month just FYI.

Watch a movie

Watching a movie now and again with your child can also prove to be very relaxing. Pick out the new Frozenor Lion King movie and watch it together. No matter how grown-up you are, you will still become immersed in the movie if it is good enough. No sane person can go through Lion King without shedding a tear.

Even if you are trying to control the screen time of your kid, remember this: you live in an era of technology. You also watched cartoons and Disney movies when you were little. They made your childhood better, so now it can make theirs better as well.

So, grab some popcorn, a blanket, and get comfy. You may watch it on anything you have available, from a tablet to a big screen TV. A good movie can help keep your kid entertained while allowing you to escape from the stress of the world.

The bottom line

Even if you are with your children, it does not mean that you need to be stressed out. You just have to pick the right activities that will keep both of you entertained, while allowing you to be mindful too, helping you to relax and keep the little ones occupied. So, put these tips in practice and start having some fun!

We do have other ideas for indoor activities for the kids – so feel free to take a look at these as well.

Indoor activities to do with kids

There are a few other ideas off site too:

Other indoor activities for kids

We have loads of ideas for indoor activities, but so do other fantastic sites too - here are a selection from them too.

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Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine! Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time. KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10. It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania. Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on. Get in touch TODAY!

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