There is nothing like decorating the walls in your house to get into the Halloween spirit; which is why we have created some free Halloween posters / Halloween wall art for you to download and pop in your house. We do already have Halloween printable quote posters for you, and this Halloween wall art offers alternatives, or even complementary ideas for you to try out.

This set of Halloween wall art includes xx posters that you can print out today, and pop on your wall. We have the following included within the set for you:
- Black cat poster on a white background,
- Ghost background, with the word Boo,
- Cauldron, with a purple bubbling potion, and the words Hocus Pocus,
- Scary (but only slightly (!) orange pumpkin on a white background,
- Confused looking to color in pumpkin on a white background with bubble text of Trick or Treat,
- White background, with grey spooky text repeated, and large Spooky word on the poster,
- Color-in ghost on a white background with the text Too Cute to Spook,
- Halloween rainbow design, with purple and black stripes and a purple cauldron in the centre, and
- Black witches hat with stars and moons on a white background, with the words The Witch Switch is Turned On.
There are 11 pages in the set of posters, with nine posters, and a front and back sheet.
What do the Halloween wall art posters look like?

As always, we have tried to keep the images, and Halloween posters simple so that they are easier to print at home.

Which one of these nine posters is your favourite? We have a bit of a soft spot for pumpkins, so like the last two above. If you like pumpkins, why not check out some of the other pumpkin ideas that we have on the site. We even have some free pumpkin coloring pages.

We love the specially designed Halloween rainbow, isn’t that just super cute?

Which one of all of these would you like on your walls at Halloween?
In order to download these – just click on the button below and they are yours:
We think the posters will look awesome in anyone’s house!

We hope that you like these ideas for Halloween wall art – why not take a look at some of the other Halloween ideas on the site. We have loads of other Halloween printables that you might like to play, or use?
Halloween printables on KiddyCharts
We LOVE Halloween - so we have loads of printables for you that work perfectly for this season. Why not take a look at some of them now?
Halloween colouring pages for kids
Our most popular post with loads of free coloring pages for the kids at Halloween, and its FREE!
Free Halloween photo props or Halloween party decorations
Some free photo props for the photo booth at your Halloween party. Loads of fun guaranteed!
Free Halloween bingo cards
Looking for a game to play with the kids, or the school at Halloween, then Bingo is it!
Halloween parade invitation for you or your kid's toys!
An invitation for you to use if you are having a Halloween parade or a party this year.
25 free spooky Halloween printables for the kids
Finally, loads more ideas for printables both on KiddyCharts and elsewhere. Take a look!
We’ve also got other Halloween party ideas on the site too:
Halloween party ideas
Here are more ideas for you to get your party started for Halloween here on KiddyCharts
Rice krispie cake monsters
Simple but fun recipe for rice krispie cake that you can make at Halloween and any time of year for a special treat for the kids
Halloween and fun recipe ideas for kids
Soe more fun and fabulous recipe ideas for kids including Halloween treats.
How to make Halloween treat bags (3 spooky designs in only four steps!)
This is a lovely craft that is SO easy for Halloween, and the kids will love to make and then either hand out at the door, or perhaps in their class. Can be used for whatever takes your fancy, it is SO simple.
Looking for decor ideas offsite – we’ve got some of those too!
Halloween decor ideas from the Internet
Some easy crafts for the kids to do to help decorate the house for Halloween. All of these will complement your bunting brilliantly.
Halloween hanging bats
Fantastic hanging bats for Halloween from Daisies and Pie.
Halloween Salt Dough Ornaments
Salt dough ornaments are a classic decoration for family; and oh so easy to do. So why not add some around the house for Halloween too?
Floating Ghosts DIY Craft for Halloween
We don't think that a Halloween house is complete without a floating ghost - so check this out from Rainy Day Mum
If you are after more posters, we’ve got some inspirational movie quotes which might give you even more ideas for them?
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