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Free toddler schedule to help encourage learning in your kid

Learning is something we want our kids to LOVE to do. In fact, the BEST kind of learning is when we don’t even realise we are actually doing it at all! We have put together a few ideas to help make learning fun for toddlers, alongside a gorgeous little toddler schedule. This comes in two parts, the first one with suggestions for springtime, but then we have given you a blank one to change to suit anytime of year, and your thoughts and ideas.

Both of these printables include suggestions for lots of learning activities that you can do with your toddlers. Everything from maths, to literacy, and even a few ideas for chores too. We have a supporting resource for this with even more suggestions.

As a parent, it’s even better if you can make chores fun, alongside learning 😂. Don’t forget we have our printable toddler reward charts for home to print out too if you need more ideas on this. We’ve also got a wonder toddler activities section too.

How to encourage your kid to enjoy learning

One of the biggest things for a toddler to understand is that learning can be fun, and engaging, it doesn’t have to be a chore. This is the best way of helping to encourage that learning and can do mindset in our children. Here are five tips to help with this in your children:

1. Believe in them

Clearly we believe in our kids – but do we let them know enough, and do we explain what it is specifically that we believe they are doing well, or do we generalise? It really helps to show that we think they can do it. Confidence is contagious. If we don’t let them have a go, they won’t learn. Also, if we are too quick to take over when it doesn’t quite go to plan, our kids won’t learn how to solve problems for themselves.

For toddlers, everything is a learning experience. From taking of their clothes, to putting on their shoes. We might want to get out the door in 5 minutes, but sometimes it pays to wait a little longer so that our kids have an opportunity to do something for themselves with a little guidance from us.

From supporting them in becoming a little independent, to giving them time to learn to hold their pencil,, write their name, recognise their colours, or count to ten. Believing in them goes a long way to helping build that confidence as they grow. They’ll make mistakes, but we can compliment them on how hard they are trying, and they’ll grow.

2. Use role play to make learning fun

Toddlers LOVE role playing. How many times have you set down to your fiftieth cup of tea that day with your child? Or watched your nursery or EYFS, Kindergarten class play dress up?

Role play is a fabulous way of encouraging and making learning fun; from buying loads of wonderful fancy dress, to getting toys, like cash registers that help with Maths and shopping role play.

There are loads of different ways you can use role play in learning – just get creative and use some of the ideas we have on the site too; we’ve got grocery learning packs, as well as a restaurant one too. You can even use our imaginative play alien finger puppets or even the puppet backgrounds we have too.

Role play really is a great way to encourage learning.

3. Model a positive attitude to learning

When you need to learn something, how do you behave? Take a moment to think about it? If you are complaining about everything you have to do, or perhaps working out what you have to do – then does that model the right attitude to learning for your toddler?

Are you a nursery teacher or homeschooler, and positive about the learning that you are doing in nursery? Showing the benefits that it gives? Or are you a bit negative about the learning that you do?

Remember that toddlers are sponges; they are soaking it ALL up, so model the behaviour and attitude to learning that you would like to see. They copy, particularly if they look up to you.

4. Encourage them to think and ask questions

Depending on the age and attitude of your toddler, they may or may not be chatty when you are playing or learning with them. Whatever their communication skill levels, encourage enquiry in them, and be ready and willing to answer any questions. Even if it starts to descend into the traditional why loop of a toddler!

If kids are asking questions, it is often an indicator that they are engaged and interested.

It is easy to get frustrated with their constant questions, but encouraging them, and their willingness to explore and solve problems, is a fabulous way of both building confidence, but also some of the vital skills we need as an adult to help ourselves.

Yes. It IS frustrating that we don’t always know the answer, and if we don’t why not make it a fun thing to do to find out the answer? That way you are also teaching other vital skills; self-sufficiency and research! 😂

5. Read with them. Lots.

We are always telling you to read with your kids on KiddyCharts, we have loads of resources to help encourage reading with younger children as well. We mean it. It’s vital, and have been proven to make a huge difference in children’s attitude to learning.

Just. Do. It. 📚

Having a toddler schedule to help

We have put together a really simple schedule for you, with lots of ideas, and activities for your toddler to get them engaged and learning. Explore different topics with them, and check our suggestions for great toddler snacks. Why not try our tuna fritters?

Above as the sheets that you will get in your toddler schedule. We have included:

  • Morning, afternoon, and night time schedules for your toddler. The blank sheet allows you to fill in the time slots. You can, of course, be flexible on this, as long as you know when you want to do what!
  • Easy to make toddler meal ideas. If you need more ideas, do check out our recipes section, or pop over to our family content search engine as well,
  • Daily suggested toddler activities, split into different learning activities including:
    • Gross motor skills
    • Music and the arts,
    • Language,
    • Daily chores toddlers can help out with,
    • Simple Maths activities, and finally,
    • Fine motor skills.

We really hope this is a help to you – just to follow with the kids when you need a bit of direction. Click on the button below, and it is yours!

Obviously, we think our toddler schedule is awesome, but we really hope you love it too. Why not check out some of the other ideas that we have for toddlers on the site?

Inspiration for toddlers, including activities and eating ideas

Here are some more ideas for toddlers, both activities and around food. Check them out on KiddyCharts now.

We love supporting other great creators, so check these out for toddlers too:

Toddler activities from the internet

We've got loads of toddler activities on site, but there are even more great, and creative ideas out there too. Check these out.

If you want to sign up to our goodies as we release them – check out our as it happens newsletter:

We’d love some support in our shop too – we give 51% of profits to charity!

Thanks for coming to see us, and we hope you will be back soon too.


This is a collaborative post.

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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