It is very difficult to think of 24 different ways to be mischievous with your elf on the shelf. Once you have that elf on the shelf adoption certificate, you really are in it for life. Or at least until the kids stop believing, and if you are anything like us, then you want that magic to last as long as it possibly can. If you find your elf on the shelf letter pack we have didn’t work for you, or you are just running out of inspiration, then try this activity for the kids. The elf can leave this little spot the elf game out somewhere for them to find perhaps?

How to play your spot the elf game
There is only one sheet in this activity for the kids, and it really is simple. We have hidden a few fabulous elves in our picture, and the kids just need to circle as many as they can find.
We have given an example of the specific elf you are looking for – because we do have a few of the pesky fellows in the elf game. We wouldn’t want you picking out the wrong ones now, would we?
What does the elf game look like?

There are actually 27 elves in this picture – can you find them all? They can be found anywhere, any size and in any direction.
If you need anymore inspiration for any activities over Christmas with a bit of an elf theme, do take a look at our elf on the shelf eBook. We have 24 different activities with an elf theme for you to try out with the kids. You could even give them an activity sheet a day with alongside the funny antics that your elves get up to in the house. Makes a nice twist on the traditional theme, and might give you a little bit of time to yourself as well. That’s got to be a bonus, right?

To download this iSpy elf game, just click on the button below and it is yours:
We have a few other Christmas activities and ideas on the site, including recipes like Christmas Pudding ice cream and Santa cookies, and even Christmas Tree fudge, alongside some fabulous crafts and printables as well. Do take a look here:
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If you like these ideas, as well as our printables and other articles in general, why not sign up to our newsletter. We have two options for you for this. There is a weekly summary with al the articles in:
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Thanks so much for stopping by to pick up this elf game from the site. Why not bookmark us, and keep coming back? We’d love to see you again soon.
Take care,