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New Year worksheet for 2023 and beyond

It is the start of a New Year, and some of us will be looking forward and setting goals, and aspirations for the year ahead. Some of us won’t of course, and that’s fine, but for those that are, we’ve put together a very simple new Year worksheet that both kids and adults can do to think about what they might like to achieve in 2023, or any year in fact, as we have blank versions of it too.

We have set it up in a slightly different way, so you need to be signed in to the site to be able to get access to it. Once you are, it is yours! Just check out the sheet details to see if it is something you would like, and then sign up for more fabulous content through the exclusive widget below, and you’ll be able to download the new year worksheet for free. We hope you like this, as we are going to be doing more of this in 2023, and less paid stuff too – so watch this space!

What does the New Year worksheet include?

The first two sheets are the colour versions of the worksheet, and have all the specific ideas that we think you might be interested in jotting down.

These are a great reminder of goals year on year, so why not consider doing this regularly? We do have a Word of the Year for those that don’t like these kinds of New Year aspirations sheets. We also have a few other New Year activities and ideas on the site well worth checking out too. Maybe do an annual interview with the kids?

You can write down:

  • Things to get done in the year: For both adults and children – what would you love to be able to say you did in the year? This might be went running every week, or visiting a specific location. It is totally up to you want you put here, or your kids write down. We do have a goal setting article too, and don’t forget to focus on those SMART goals for both you and the kids. More info in the goals article for you of course,
  • Financial aspirations: Perhaps as children saving their pocket money each money, or saving up for specific gifts, and for adults, you could focus on saving for a holiday?
  • Things to learn: For kids, they might want to try some new hobbies, lick crocheting or learning to play cricket, and for adults, maybe the same, alongside some evening classes?
  • People: You can take this section in one of two ways – and it is up to your which you would prefer:
    • The people in your life you want to SEE more of, or
    • The people that you know in the public eye that you want to BE more like.
  • Health: Are there any goals for your health that you have – if so, write them here. Ideas might be to drink more water, or to go for a walk every single day. You name it, we’ve got space for it!

The last two sheets within the New Year worksheets are the black and white versions for those that don’t want to waste too much of their coloured ink. We did want to make them colouring sheets, but it didn’t quite make sense to do so. You could always brightened them up a bit with some of our printable stickers, or make and design your own with a site like Design Bundles perhaps?

Despite not being colouring sheet, the designs we have do enable the kids to create their own colourful borders around them too. Both a lovely thing to be able to do, and a record to keep for them into the future.

If you would like to download this, then just subscribe to our site using the button below and the content is yours . Once you have done this, you can then download by clicking on the button you reveal! Easy.


We do have loads of other amazing New Year content on the site, so why not check these out too?

New Year Printables

Take advantage of some of our most popular new year free printables and resources! We wish you a happy new year!

Or others from the internet too?

New Year Ideas from the Internet

Some more activities to do on New Year with the kids from across the web.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter too!

Take care,


Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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