We love printables here on KiddyCharts but another thing that we love is sharing with you our free kids crafts ideas! Aside from it being fun there are many benefits to arts and crafts. Did you know that crafts can help your kids develop their cognitive develop and even enhance their social skills?
In this post we have compiled some of our favourite and most popular crafting posts in hopes that you can have one page where you can find activities and crafts to do with your kids. Save this page on Pinterest to have access to this list. And remember, we will update it when we have new content we think you will like!
The importance of crafts
Crafting with your kids can be a lot of fun! It’s a creative approach and also tends to keep the kids busy! Enough time for you to be able to sneak off and make a cuppa or have a quick wee on your own. I mention that because I am sure you need it!
All jokes aside, crafting with your kids can do so much for them in so many areas. Did you know that working on crafts can help kids be more mindful and allows them to lower stress and anxiety? This can be achieved by creating a quiet space for your kids to craft whenever they feel anxious. Keeping this space quiet and peaceful can allow your child to proactively seek that quiet time.
Here are a few more benefits:
- improvement of fine motor skills
- hand-eye coordination
- helps with critical thinking
- allows creativity
- helps with language skills
- numeracy is improved if the craft requires counting
- attention span is improved
There are so many more benefits to crafting! If you’re looking for some of our free kids crafts ideas check them out below!
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