KiddyCharts staff work from home. There are a lot more people working from home at the moment, and having to try and keep their children from interrupting them in mid conference call / meeting / zoom call. So – we’ve solved this problem for you. We have made some working from home doorhangers, so that you can show that there is a meeting in progress to anyone that needs to know. That way, there will be no more bursting in on calls without warning *probably*

The great thing about these meeting in progress doorhangers, is that they can be used both by you AND the kids too. So if your children decide that they want to have a bit of privacy while they are on a video call with their friends, they can borrow the doorhanger sign 😂 .
As always, let us share with you what the hangers look like, so you know before you download them:

We have provided two different designs for you to try. The phrases written on them are:
- Do not disturb, and
- Meeting in progress.
Alongside this, they have a communications icon on them as well – just to make doubly sure that anyone seeing them knows exactly what they mean 😂 .
Working from home can be a challenge with kids, so we really hope that this little printable will help to make things a little simpler for you. Don’t forget that we also have a kids planner too, which should help to make things a little bit easier too by helping to organise your children’s days. In addition, if you want a little more stucture to the day: why not also include a homeschool timetable as well? we have found that giving the children a little bit of a framework for the day can make a massive difference to engagement and attentiveness. This is particularly true if they are not used to a homeschool environment.
Anything that encourages kids to stay on task means that you will find you have less need for the meeting in progress signs…. The children are a lot less likely to interrupt you 😀 .
<< To download this resource – you need to click on the circular image we have for you here and voila. It is yours. >>

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We do have a few other articles that can help with organisation. Why not take a look?
Organised Mum Ideas on KiddyCharts
Some other ideas to keep you that little bit more organised as a mum *honest*
Free family Thanksgiving dinner checklist
Any celebration dinner - doesn't have to be thanksgiving; here is what you need to organise beforehand.
Ready for school checklist: Never forget stuff again! (ish)
Make sure they never forget anything *well actually forget things less!*
Medicine cabinet checklist: 25 essential items every parent needs
Do you have everything you need in your medicine cabinet?
Twin mum essentials: A checklist
Is a friend expecting twins? Or even just a new baby? Then we've got a list of what you need to help!
There are also other thoughts wider than this site to help you out too:
Organised mum ideas from the internet
More ideas for organisation from the internet!
12+ Habits of an Organised Mum
12 ideas to keep you on the straight and narrow and keep you an organised mum for the whole year, as well as using this planner of course!
5 Lazy Mum Approved Ways To Be Organised… when you really can’t be bothered
We all had these kinds of to stay organised when you just aren't feeling it!
20 ideas and tips for helping to be THAT organised mum...
We love having you here. Why not come and see us on Pinterest too for more ideas?
It has been a pleasure helping you out, and we really do look forard to seeing you later.
Take care,