Under the sea, and oceans are a nice theme for fun shark craft activities for the kids; and we are adding a little bit more of a “scare” into them today, with a couple of shark craft activities for kids to keep them busy for a few moments. Hopefully so you can relax a little.

In fact, we have a few activities for you based around sharks – from around the web, so not just our own. Why not take a look at these too when you have had a play with our two paper based ideas? Perfect for all those shark-mad kids out there!

Number Puzzles (0 to 10) // Fairy Poppins
Shark Activities for Kids // Sarah Chesworth
Shark Names Writing Practice // Teach Me Mommy
Free Shark Activities for Kids // Kiddy Charts
Number Mats (0 to 10) // Fairy Poppins
We hope you’ll agree that there are some lovely ideas here for your kids, both to help them to learn, and have fun.
Shark cut and glue activity
Our first printable is based on this rather funky shark character….

We think he is rather cute – don’t you?
We have created a sheet for you to cut out with the kids, and then recreate our sharky friend by glueing the separate pieces back together. Simple, but fun for them. And an excellent way to improve fine motor skills and problem solving as well.

We hope you like this activity and it helps keep the kids entertained for a little time too.
To download this – scroll down to the square image at the bottom of this article, and download both the activities.
Shark jigsaw
The other shark activity we have is a lovely square jigsaw for kids based on this under the sea picture with a few sharks included within it…

There is also a rather friendly looking octopus, a turtle and a dolphin getting in on the action.
To take part in the activity, cut out the board above, and then the sqaures in the image below, and add them to the board in the right places.
For a harder puzzle, complete it without the picture!

This activity is also excellent for improving motor skills, as well as colour understanding, spotting patterns, and matching skills too.
Why not take the opportunity to chat to your children about the colours within the puzzle, as well as chatting about some of the under the sea creatures within the pictures? Perhaps some of the questions to ask can be focused both on their feelings about the animals, as well the some of the facts on them too?
- How would you feel if you met a shark?
- What do you think touching an octopus would feel like?
- Do you know anything about sharks?
- Do you like sharks? Of not, why not?
- Do the think that sharks reputation for being “scary” is fair?
Lots of great things to discuss and chat about – all based around a jigsaw!
To download both these activities, click on the square image below and they are yours.

We hope you like the activities on the site, do check out our other free resources for kids, as well as our colouring activities too. Sign up if you like them as well.
We do have some other great animal based activities on the site too, take a look.
Animal activities on KiddyCharts
More animal fun on the site for the kids!
Free Ladybird printable math worksheets
Ladybird maths based fun - simple but really effective.
Cat mindful coloring pages for adults and kids
Our most popular mindful colouring based on the humble cat.
CVC games with an ocean theme
Ocean theme CVC activity to help kids with reading - includes a shark as well!
STEM activities for kids: Free climbing monkey printable
Money climbing craft for you to make - very much a science and creative theme here for the kids.
Lovely to have you with us. We do hope that you will come back to us again soon.