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Covid-19 time capsule for adults free printable

We have already given you a Covid-19 time capsule worksheet for kids thanks to the extremely talented LONG Creations. Today we are going to share with you the adult version of this, so that you can have a go at recording your thoughts and feelings in these strange pandemic times.

Covid-19 time capsule for adults free printable

There are various sections within this Covid-19 time capsule to help you make sense of what is a very difficult time for us all:

  • Living through history,
  • All about me,
  • How I’m feeling,
  • My community,
  • I am not stuck at home,
  • Facts from this time
  • Events I missed,
  • Things to remember, and
  • Letter to myself.

Living through history

Record of the first and last day of “your story” – you decide what you want to record here. Is it the first day we went into lockdown? Is it the first day you started working from home? It is entirely up to you. You can then decide what your last day will be based on that first day,

All about me

What do you want to remember about yourself during these momentous times? Perhaps your favourite things? What did you like to do? Or maybe how tall you are, and if you are prepared to tell anyone (!); How old are you?

How I’m Feeling

Here you can keep a record of how you felt about the experiences of lockdown and Covid-19 and what you want to do the most when we are “back to normal.” Remember to write so that your future self will understand how you felt and what meant the most to you at the time.

My community

Covid-19 time capsule for adults free printable

Community has been one of the strongest things that brings us the greatest pleasure during the pandemic. What about your local community has surprised you? What have you helped with? Perhaps you have been making PPE for the NHS, or delivering food parcels? Maybe you are just making sure that you keep an eye on your neighbours who are shielding? Whatever it is, write it down and make a record so you always have it in one place.

I am not stuck at home

It can be hard to look at the time we have at home with a positive outlook – why not write down the things that you are doing to fill you time. Perhaps you have learnt something amazing, or you are spending more time with your children. Think about the positives, and help to see that actually lockdown isn’t ALL bad.

Facts from this time

What is the Nefflix show that you can’t get enough of? Which music are you and your family listening to? What board game does your teen keep begging you to play? Or which YouTube channel us your 5-year old driving you mad watching? Have a think about the popular culture of the time, and record it. The trends that occupy your kids and your time now could well be short-lived, so make sure you remember them in a few years time.

Events I missed

events I missed

Was it your son’s birthday in lockdown? Or perhaps your wedding anniversary? Or did you unfortunately loose a relative and you weren’t able to attend the funeral?

Things to remember

A record of what has meant the most to you – add things in here that you are grateful and thankful for. What will you never take for granted again? What is the biggest change for you about the time inside for the pandemic? Is there something in particular about this time that you really want to make sure you have a record of? If so, then this is the page for those memories. Don’t forget to draw on web pages, newspaper clippings, emails, and photographs so it becomes really personal to you.

Letter to myself

letter to myself

Finally – what will you write to your future self about your experiences?

To download the journal – CLICK ON THE SQUARE IMAGE BELOW.

Covid-19 time capsule for adults free printable

This is a difficult time for us all – but it IS a time that is important for us to remember both for ourselves and our families. Let’s make sure we have a record so that we don’t forget. This Covid-19 time capsule for adults is the perfect way to try and capture those details so we don’t lose them forever.

If you would like more resources about isolation and beyond, do check these out:

Resources for kids about Covid-19

Thanks so much for stopping by to take a look, and thanks again to the amazing LONG Creations for allowing us to share her adult worksheets with you.

If you like this, and the other articles on the site, do sign up to our weekly newsletter.

Take care,


Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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Thursday 4th of June 2020

Hello! Where do I go to download the adult COVID journal?


Thursday 4th of June 2020

Hi there,

Thanks for the comment - click on the square image, and it will download for you.

Take care, Helen


Monday 1st of June 2020

How do you download the adult time capsule?


Thursday 4th of June 2020

Hi there,

Click on the square image towards the end and it should load for you.

Take care, Helen

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