Just because a child is accident free during the day doesn’t automatically mean dry nights will follow. It’s estimated that one in 12 children still wet the bed by the time they start school. If you’re searching for night time potty training tips look no further! Here are 10 of the most useful suggestions from real parents to help you get rid of nappies forever.
- Look for the signs that the time is right. (Kiddycharts) Is your child really ready for night time potty training, or are you feeling pressured because of things other parents have said or because you have other children who were dry at night by this age?
- Becky Mansfield, author of Potty Train in a Weekend, (Your Modern Family) suggests practicing how your child will use the potty or toilet at night.
- Invest in a good mattress pad (Fantastic Fun and Learning) or two.
- Have a good bedtime routine . (Kids Activities Blog)
- Make sure they are properly hydrated throughout the day, (Ask a Nanny) and that they are not drinking too much at bedtime.
- Have the essentials ready (Happily Ever Mom) in advance.
- Learn how to deal with setbacks. (Mommys Bundle)
- Know when the right time is to start leaving off the night nappy. (Childhood 101)
- “Lifting” (Kiddycharts) can help build confidence, both for you and your child.
- Avoid caffeine and other stimulants, especially with older bedwetters. (Your Modern Family)
Remember that the age your child is dry during the day has no bearing on the age they are dry at night. It’s not normally considered an issue until a child is at least five years old, and doctors rarely treat with medication until they are seven years or older.
Stay positive and give plenty of rewards and encouragement. If night time potty training causes your child anxiety and distress put it on hold for a few months and try again.
What advice can you give other parents who are coping with night time potty training? Share your tip by leaving a comment below.