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Imagine Spa Cambridge: Discovering that all important “me time”

Imagine Spa Cambridge: Me time

I am forty. I don’t like admitting to be forty, let alone acknowledging that in a month’s time I will actually be 41…somehow I forgot that turning 40 last year meant that I had actually joined the band of mothers that are “in their forties” I have learnt in the last five years that it is absolutely critical for all of us to give ourselves a break from the hamster wheel, and take some me time. I was lucky enough to be able to go to Imagine Spa Cambridge to give myself and a friend a little bit of time to think.

Sometimes this rather sums me up….other than the bit where I am actually 40…

me time to make you feel 20 again

There are still days when I feel like I am 20, and then I realise that it just ain’t so. Usually when I somehow end up watching a One Direction video with my daughter and can’t help thinking:

“Don’t they look young…”

There is nothing like a good Spa day though to reinvigorate oneself, and Imagine Spa in Cambridge provided us with a discount to allow me to take a wonderful day to myself. I was very impressed with the choice and prices of the treatments; from traditional spa day options, to a number of different beauty treatments as well. There was very much something for everyone.

I decided to have an aromatherapy bath, and a much needed pedicure and gel. My feet don’t get an easy ride. My companion had a manicure, pedicare, a mini facial and a session within their flotation tank. We were also lucky enough to experience the serail mud chamber as well. We were given two free hour long treatments with the package that we had opted for; an Enrich Experience at £129 for the day.

Imagine Spa Cambridge - Treatments

Relaxing was an understatement – just thinking about it all has made me sleepy and chilled ;-)

The staff were friendly, and extremely flexible about what treatments we wanted, when they could do them, and even when our lunch could be served. There was a lovely choice of food which we were able to eat in the entrance of the spa or outside on the veranda. This was, in all honesty, the only downside. It would have been nice to have a restaurant onsite. However, even its location and the set-up of the spa, I could understand why this wasn’t practical.

The other factilities onsite were stunning…particularly the swimming pool….

Imagine Spa Cambridge - Pool

…and the treatment rooms. Each room is themed around a flower – and my “rose room” for my pedicure even had a roses waiting for me on entry. Simple but effective touches that really made us feel pampered.

Imagine Spa Cmabridge: Treatment room

We had an absolute ball there; time to chat, chill and pamper ourselves, which as busy working mums neither of us get to do that often at all.

We liked it so much, we booked our free half day, which were were given upon leaving (great marketing tool!) only a week later. Sadly due to work commitments, we had to cancel, but I can assure you I am going to make every effort to go back again. Even if it means roping in the husband to babysit again ;-)

We were given 50% off the total cost of the spa day, and the serail mud chamber treatment for the purpose of writing this review, but all opinions are my own. I really do want to do back; now in fact…

Have you been to the Imagine Spa in Cambridge, if you have let us know – what did you think?

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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Laura Lane

Wednesday 10th of February 2016

Hi Helen.. Hope you are doing well! I have heard about this place .. sounds interesting. One of my friend told me about the spa Facility over there. Would love to visit there.

Friendly spa and variety of food available makes it more good and vibrant with a pool side view..What else a women can ask for. This is the only place where one can pamper themselves and enjoy. I really liked your post with pictures..It looks so scenic.. Cant wait to enjoy all this luxury life. Thanks for sharing it..Would love to follow your blogs in mere future and see this kinda exciting places so that i can try them out.


Jessica Williams

Wednesday 12th of August 2015

Soothing music plays softly in the background as your massage therapist begins to work away the stress of your busy day-to-day responsibilities, in a relaxing quiet atmosphere... Thanks for sharing this post. :-)


Sunday 9th of August 2015

Hi Helen;

This place looks amazing. My sister lives in Cambridge perhaps next time I visit her I may treat us to some 'me' time. Do you know what products they use?

And I'm sure that you've stepped on a stray lego at some point - I know I have and it hurts.

Thanks in advance

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