Today we bring you another lovely activity for your kids to learn about animals and in particular about hibernating animals. Our hibernating animals activity sheets are a lovely set of activities ranging from crossword puzzles, tracing activities, and so much more! Let’s take a look at the set, shall we?

We love showing you our printables and activity sheets before you download them so you can see what you will be getting. Let’s look at all the sheets in more detail.
Hibernating animals activity sheets

The hibernation page is a lovely cover sheet to the activity workbook and will show your kids a bit about why animals hibernate. It has some lovely illustrations and even gives your kids a bit of an idea about the overall topic.
Hibernation facts

Test your kids knowledge on hibernating animals with this sheet. If you want to use this in a classroom setting why not test them before and after the lessons on hibernating so they can see how much their knowledge has improved? The answers can be found at the bottom of the page and all they have to do is fill in the blanks.
What animals hibernate during winter?

This next sheet also has your kids testing their knowledge of animals and seeing which ones hibernate during winter. It’s a fun and simple activity to test their knowledge that can also be used for further discussion with the youngest kids too.
Animal hibernation

Time to have some colouring fun as the next sheet prompts your kids to colour the pictures, cut them, and place the hibernating animal in their designated resting place for the winter.
Animals that hibernate

This sheet is more interactive and has pictures of the animals for your kids to cut and paste in the appropriate under animals that hibernate and animals that don’t hibernate. Your kids can also trace the name of the animal to help them both with their tracing and word recognition.
Hibernation crossword puzzle

The hibernation crossword puzzle sheet is a fun way for your kids to keep busy and work on learning which ones hibernate and which don’t. There are 14 words for your kids to find.
Animal sheet
Lastly, we have 2 lovely sheets with the animals that we have featured in the booklet. These can be used as you wish, and one great idea is to use them as flash cards, you can cut out the animals and show them to the kids where they can tell you if it’s an animal that hibernates or not. Use your imagination!

There you have it! We hope that you like this activity sheet pack and download it.
<< Click on the circular image below to download your own>>

Before you go, do sign up for our time to pee newsletter! We send you an activity a day to help you find some time for yourself (even if only for a pee) and keep the kids busy.
If you need more animal fun activities, check out these ideas from KiddyCharts.
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