Cleaning your house can be a tedious task, but it doesn’t have to be if you keep yourself organised and work through it bit by bit. To help make things simpler for you, we have created a deep cleaning checklist. Our checklist goes through a daily, weekly, and monthly routine to help keep your tasks as simple and doable as possible thus freeing up more time for you to do the thing you like.

Deep cleaning checklist

Let’s look at each of our checklist in more detail, shall we?
Daily cleaning checklist

There are some tasks that need to be tackled daily, such as making the bed and washing the dishes. On this sheet, we have more items for you to use to organise your daily cleaning list and include the kitchen, bedroom, living areas, bathroom, and other miscellaneous tasks. Keeping the house tidy and in order, is actually a really important part of helping your child feel supported as they grow.
For example:
In the bedroom –
- Fix the bed,
- Fold clothes and arrange in the closet, and,
- Pick up dirty clothes and put in the laundry.
For the kitchen –
- Clean the sink,
- Put dishes away, and,
- Store leftovers properly.
We have also included blank space for you to add your own household tasks.
Weekly cleaning

There are tasks that can wait for “cleaning day”, which is usually the day in most households where we spend more time giving things a deeper clean and planning for the week ahead. For these days our weekly cleaning checklist is perfect.
Make your life simpler by focusing on one room per day, that way your house will be clean in no time!
Monthly cleaning

Lastly, there are tasks that don’t need to be done daily or even weekly but can wait for a once a month treatment. From more tedious activities like descaling the kettle and coffee machine, to disinfecting the bins we have you covered. And as mentioned before, we have included some blank space ready for you to add your own household tasks to the list.
So, what do you think?
<< Get your own copy by clicking on the circular image below >>

We think our resources can be very helpful in keeping your life and your home organised, so do take a look at more of our household resources below.
Family and household printables
These handy printables for your family and household will help you stay more organised. Check them out!
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Track your food intake and how much you have exercised with this simple yet effective printable tracker.
Free 2021 family planner
Stay organised throughout 2021 with our free 2021 family planner. This printable helps you jot down appointments, special days, and the kid´s activities. Basically, you can track all you want!
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This essential checklist helps you keep your family's medicine cabinet by keeping to hand the 25 essential items every parent needs.
Here are more organisational tips from the web to help you as well.
More organisational resources from the web
Have a read of these posts that are sure to help you stay more organised in the home.
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These 10 simple ways to keep your family organised are a great way to start keeping tabs of your household and keeping things organised. Have a read!
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Help your little learners stay on track with this printable student planner.
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If you want to keep your kids artwork organised then this post by Mum in the Mad House´s Jen is for you.
If you want more tips and ideas do sign up to our free newsletter to receive printables, parenting resources, and much more!
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