We are already into day four of our Series 9 Moshis countdown, culminating in the 14th February when all of the Moshis are launched on an un-suspecting public. Yesterday, Wuzzle wandered into view, and today please be upstanding for another one of the noisy Moshis; Toots. I have a bit of a soft-spot for the more musical of the Moshis; in particular I rather like Oompah, so Toots is a Moshi after my own heart.
These little guys are Toot-tastic; they toot back at you what you just said. Now that could get annoying, right? Thankfully, their hats have a tendency to keep the noise down so a Toots toots don’t drive you completely round the bend. A Boogie-Woogie Bugle they may be, but thankfully they won’t be sending you totally roun the twist with their toots.
In fact, it really is, “in one ear and out the other.” *Phew*
Like all good brass instruments, they like a good spit an polish, so Toots is a bit of a fan of Brass Polish. For some reason, they also like satchels. Perhaps that’s so they always have somewhere to hide to find their next toot?
Anything that might get stick in their tubes, so cigars and earbuds don’t go down well AT ALL
Rarity Rank
151 – Uncommon
If Toots takes your fancy, then we are on to Day 5 tomorrow – who could it be…I’d quite like another noisy myself, but not sure I have a say in it *Shame.* Subscribe to the blog for more updates on the Moshi shenanigans!