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Top seven tips to get kids to read and chance to win Lost World Diaries eBook and exclusive virtual tickets

eBooks for kids: Encouraging reading


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We write about reading with kids on the blog quite a lot. Possibly something to do with me being an ex-librarian…though I ditched the tweet skirts a long time ago…. However, we haven’t covered eBooks for kids and how that fits into the whole encouraging kids to read shebang.

Because of my background, I am uber keen on reading with my kids generally, and have learnt a trick or two walking up and down the aisles in the school libraries that I have worked at. KiddyCharts is all about sharing experiences, so why don’t I share my bookbinding ones for you, with particular reference to how I see eBooks for kids fitting in these days. You would be surprised at what a traditional librarian thinks of them…

1. Make it fun

If you “force” your child to read then they won’t like it. Make it a fun activity, and even create themed crafts around the books that you are reading to give those books even more magical meanings. Damson Lane is a wonderful blog for finding both great books to read with your children, as well as activities and ideas around the books too.

2. Embrace new technologies

eBooks for kids are here to stay. And so are Kindles. Don’t be afraid to use them. We have discussed choosing the right tablet for your kids, and making sure you manage screen time, but eBooks offered to your children at a suitable time of day, and sometimes with your participation, can be a great way of ecnouraging a reluctant child to read. The interactive nature of many of the apps available for those eBooks help younger readers to learn. The experience of using a Kindle and the choice it provides to kids can be empowering to them as well – don’t panic. Even this old librarian cam round in the end…eBooks for kids don’t mean the death of the book, they complement it.

3. Take it beyond the book

Ebooks for kids are great – but think beyond this too – what about magazines, newspapers on the iPad, REAL newspapers *shock*, even your local paper can be of interest to your children. My kids read it. Variety is the spice of life, and the reading experience is no different. Different forms of reading can be exciting at different times. My daughter loves the National Geographic Kids magazine – all the weird facts it has in it, and delights in showing me the articles that mention the oddities around the world :-D

4. Make time for it

We are all busy people, and sometimes it is hard to carve a chunk of time out of the day for reading. It is, however, important to do it. When the children are younger, adding it to the bedtime routine works brilliantly. As the children get older though, we can still read to them. They will enjoy it, though they may not tell their classmates about it. My Dad read to me until I was 12 – but I don’t think I told anyone he did… After your stories, you can encourage independent reading too. When they are little, this is likely to be just looking at picture on their own, but as they get older it is likely to morph into reading in bed before lights out.

5. Let them see YOU reading

Do you read in front of your kids?

We do, and its important for them to see you enjoying a good book, newspaper or magazine. My kids started looking at the paper in the morning because I did….now they know exactly who had their purse stolen from the local pub…

If they see you enjoying reading, they are likely to want to copy you, so it is an easier task to show them it is something that is fun, and can be enjoyed. It isn’t all about “school work.”

6. Give them control

Younger children in particular sometimes feel they don’t have enough choice – one thing they can choose is what they read within sensible limits of course. Allow them to search for the eBooks that they want to read, or take the books of the shelf in the library that interest them. If they have chosen the book, they are much more likely to want to read it.

7. Show them their progress

We like charts *shock horror* and you probably know this, so we won’t dwell on it, but showing them they are reading well and progressing can help. Our track-based charts are free and great for this :-D


To celebrate the joy that eBooks for kids can bring to your reading experiences, KiddyCharts have teamed up with the brand new eBook series; The Lost World Diaries.This is aimed at 8-14 year olds and offers a great interactive eBook for kids that will capture your child’s imagination. Even better, it also includes real books too!

What is the Lost World Diaries eBooks for kids series?

This is a new adventure series from Ramp Publishing offering interactive novels and a virtual world for 8-14 year olds. We know it can be hard to pull our kids, both young and old, away from the tablet or computers. They are becoming more and more comfortable in an on-line world. This book series is designed to combine the traditional book with the online world.

How does it work?

There is a traditional book series and a corresponding virtual world within the Lost World Diaries. it is an adventure series, kind of in the old Narnia style. And who doesn’t love a bit of C. S. Lewis? However, as you read along passages in the novels, this will open up games and quests in the virtual world in this particular eBook.

Kids can build their own rooms, chat with friends and discover new worlds that can only be accessed by reading the “real-life” books.

Author Rick Momsen says

“We wanted to develop an entire world that melded traditional reading and the incredible advances in virtual worlds to create an environment that kid’s love and promote reading in a fun, interactive and safe way.”

When does it launch?

Here the author explains a little more for you…

Ramp Publishing and a group of experienced designers and programmers, that have worked with Disney and Nintendo, to name a few, have joined forces to have the first book in the series and virtual world launched for Christmas 2014. With a new novel set to be launched every six months and short stories unlocking secret rooms, games and adventures set to be released in between it looks like there should be years of great reading and adventures ahead.

What is it about?

The Lost World Diaries is about two young adventurers, Alex and Dean that discover a mysterious world and with the help of the Baron and Ickbald, Frederick the owl and Wilham the giant, friendly polar bear they set off on great adventures to different worlds. The first novel is set in a towering castle that can only be reached by a long precarious bridge held above the valley floor by thousands of multi-colored bubbles. Inside there’s a grand library where Frederick the owl will introduce short stories and new novels that will open secret lands within the virtual world. Each new novel unlocks a new virtual world and the adventures continue.

Win exclusive VIP tickets to a virtual Xmas party and a short story as well as getting at least one Xmas present for the kids sorted in July!

The Lost World Diaries launched a Kickstarter campaign yestereday (7th July). This allows us to get a sneak peak at the new book series as well as a fantastic offer to pre-purchase the books and join the virtual world at a reduced price now.

If you tell them you heard about the Lost World Diaries from us and you could win VIP tickets to the virtual world Christmas party at the castle for your kids in addition to a free short story, which usually takes an initial investment of at least $10.

The Christmas party involves the ability to win prizes and meeting the characters from the books virtually, as well as seeing other friends in the Grand Ballroom and special clues to secrets within the castle; one of the key locations within the books.

If you want to get involved with the Lost World Diaries now, you’ll have a great Christmas present for your kids in December that will promise them years of great reading and adventures. So sign up now and enjoy a party and free book on us!

Investment options include:

  • $1 where you receive an eCard and $5 of in-game coupons
  • $5, for an eCard and $10 of in-game coupons
  • $25, for an e-card invite and $50 game coupons/ 2 short stories/ 1 novel
  • $50 , which gives you the e-card invite again, but this time $100 game coupons/ 2 short stories/ 2 novels.

You can find out more at

Lost World Diaries

This is a sponsored post.

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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