We have another lovely Santa craft for you today – a paper plate Santa Claus that is really lovely to do, and then use as a decoration anywhere in the house. Kids can make this on their own with a little supervision, so it might even make a great gift for the grandparents and family too.

We know that you love our Christmas and Santa crafts, so do take a little bit of time to check out some of the other ideas we have on the site once you have made this too.
What do you need to make your paper plate Santa

- Red felt paper
- White construction paper
- Scissor
- Paper plate / Cardboard
- Fuzzy wire
- Pen marker
- Cotton
- Glue stick
- Googly eyes
- Pom pom balls
Once you have gathered everything that you need to make this, and given yourself a little space – you are ready to make…
How to make your paper plate Santa Claus
1. Draw a santa hat in the red felt paper using the pan marker and cut it.

2. Once it is cut, attach it to the paper plate/cardboard using a glue stick. Then add the googly eyes and pom pom to the paper plate/cardboard.

3. Add the cotton to make Santa’s beard. Cover his face with cotton as his hair.

4. Cut strips of white construction paper. Then stick together by making a circle. Get two strips then insert the first one to the second and use a glue stick to stick it together. Repeat the process until your desired length.

5. Attach the finished paper chain to the paper plate. Create a few more for additional chains to make Santa’s beard a bit longer. You will need two longer ones, and two slightly shorter ones! Then you nee to connect them all together at the bottom to make Santa’s distinctive beard shape.

6. Check out the pictures below for a bit more detail on how it is all put together.

7. Lastly, add the fuzzy wire at the top.

8. This might be a little fiddly, but we are sure you will get there in the end….

And there you have it – come paper plate Santa Claus completed for you to hang on the tree, or anywhere that you or the children would like:

We have a complete How to card for you to download and print out for this craft too, if this is easier for you than reading along on the screen:
How to make a paper plate Santa Claus

Make a fabulous Santa Claus Christmas decoration out of a paper plate for you to hang up about the house with the kids. Easy, but wonderfully effective.
- Red felt paper
- White construction paper
- Scissors
- Paper plate / Cardboard
- Fuzzy wire
- Pen marker
- Cotton
- Glue stick
- Googly eyes
- Pom pom balls
- Draw a santa hat in the red felt paper using the pan marker and cut it.
- Once it is cut, attach it to the paper plate/cardboard using a glue stick. Then add the googly eyes and pom pom to the paper plate/cardboard.
- Add the cotton to make Santa's beard. Cover his face with cotton as his hair.
- Cut strips of white construction paper. Then stick together by making a circle. Get two strips then insert the first one to the second and use a glue stick to stick it together. Repeat the process until your desired length.
- Attach the finished paper chain to the paper plate. Create a few more for additional chains to make Santa's beard a bit longer. You will need two longer ones, and two slightly shorter ones! Then you nee to connect them all together at the bottom to make Santa's distinctive beard shape.
- Check out the pictures below for a bit more detail on how it is all put together.
- Lastly, add the fuzzy wire at the top.
- This might be a little fiddly, but we are sure you will get there in the end....
We hope you love this crafty Santa made from a paper plate. If you love Santa ideas, then here are some more for you on the site as well:
Other Santa themed ideas on KiddyCharts
Santa is a pretty important part of Christmas - so why not take a look at some of the other ideas for Christmas involving the Big Man!
Santa nice list certificate: Free and personalised!
Get your child a personalised nice list certificate - we've got one for boys and one for girls....what's not to like?
Printable Santa stop here Christmas door hanger
Get a little door hanger for the kids bedrooms - just to add to your decorations, and to make sure Santa pays a visit....
Roll a Santa game: free numeracy game
Roll-a-Santa is a fun, and simple little game for kids, that helps to teach numeracy and matching as well. It is also a great way to entertain the kids.
Free Rudolph and Santa plate printable
Some people LOVE to leave Santa and Rudolph some goodies on Christmas Eve, we know that we do - so why not check out this free Santa plate? We ALSO have a personalised version for 99p that you can put your child's name on!
Free printable Santa stop here sign
If you want to go a little further - why not add a Santa Stop Here sign outside the house - we've got a free one for you.
Here are more thoughts for you for Santa from off KiddyCharts as well:
Other Santa activities for kids (off site)
Some more ideas for the kids involving Santa - so once you have your list certificate you can do some other fun activities too.
Find the Letter S for Santa {Christmas printable}
Play the game and find the letter S in this printable Santa game.
Letters to Santa Letter Tracing Printables
Tracing ideas for letters to Santa from this site - really helps with pencil control for the kids of course.
Emotions Santa Printable - Red Ted Art - Make crafting with kids easy & fun
Finally, Red Ted Art and Hattifant come up trumps again with these gorgeous paper kaleidoscopes to help with kids over excitement at Christmas.
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This paper plate Santa looks great in the home, so why not make a few of them, and dot them about this house to add a little fun and colour for Christmas?

Thanks so much for visiting us, and we really love having you here, so do come back again.
Take care,