The Letts Times Tables Success came to us for review at a great time as Mary is just starting to learn her times tables at school. We have only concentrated on the 2 times tables section so far but Mary has really enjoyed this book.
What did the kids think?
She loves the fact that the appropriate times table is printed out in full at the beginning of each section and she can refer to it at any time she gets stuck.
At first she thought this was cheating and once I’d pointed out that she needs to keep looking at it to help her learn she thought this was great. Each section has different practice sections and activities all aimed at helping your child to become confident in their times tables. At the end of each section there is a test so you can see what they have learnt.
We’re going to do the rest of the book in pencil so we can rub it out and practice again and again. I can’t yet tell you for sure whether this will lead to her learning her times tables without any other help but I think I can safely say that it’s a great start for her and I’m sure she will refer back to the book to help her with homework and learning lots in the future.
What did Mum think?
I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending this book to friends. I think it’s very clearly laid out and the age group it’s aimed at seems perfect to me. The price at £4.99 I think is just about right. I would happily pay that for it but probably wouldn’t want to pay very much above this.
I asked Mary what she would give this book out of 5 and she said 10!! I think that means she liked it!! As a parent I couldn’t find any fault in it and the fact that she liked it so much means it’s gets a 5 out of 5 from me!!
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Disclaimer: We were given this book in return for a review