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Personalised gifts: The best one ever that you haven’t thought of

When both our kids were born, we put together little personalised gifts for them – and we realised that after we had done it that this was the BEST gift that someone else could have given us, so we are sharing it with you all today. That means that you can share it with new parents everywhere.

In fact, the gift is a great idea for anyone – it is a simple, thoughtful way to create a personalised present that stands the test of time.

The best thing about it though is that it is fun to create, and doesn’t cost the earth either.

Read on for the secret sauce….

What’s that special date for your personalised gifts?

The first step in making sure you have the best personalised gift *ever* is to take note of the special day itself, and keep it in mind at all times. This is THE most important piece of research for your personalised gift.

Without it, our idea won’t work. So what date do you need in the forefront of your mind? Memorise it, write it down, whatever you need – keep it there at all times. Birthday, anniversary, new baby’s birth day, whatever the occasion, make sure you never forget it!

Do your best research

Next, we need you to become a bit of a detective, and start to think about some of the things that happened on that day. But go one step further; not only research these, but then actually go out and BUY the products that are relevant to those particularly events / days.

What do we mean? Well…

  • Grab a newspaper from the SPECIFIC date that the new arrival was born, or the birthday for that special person, or the anniversary. These newspaper gifts are a great place to source this. Alternatively, if you don’t want the full newspaper, what about a framed front cover for the paper of your choice instead?
  • What was the best selling book on that day in history?
    We’ve found Playback is a great site for finding the bestseller for the birthday / event. Why not check it out?
  • What was the best selling single and / or album on that day?
    Do a little chart-based research around the music at the time of the birthday. Our kids have rather fabulous Number one songs on their birthdays; Umbrella from Rihanna, and Blue from Eifeel 65. Rather contrasting records, for contrasting kids! Buy the single, and or the albums that you manage to locate.
  • What was the best-selling DVD / Film that day as well? Pop over the Amazon and buy that too! if you aren’t sure where to find this – Playback also provides this for you too. Simple, and finally
  • Who are the celebrity twins for you. Playback does this as well believe it or not. Once you have the celebrity twin for the new parents, or the birthday girl/boy, you can then decide what special gift you are willing to add to your personalised gifts bundle. What about an item they designed if its a designer, or a book for an author? Maybe if its a famous composer, or an actor, a ticket to a show they appeared in? You can have fun with this one. If there are a few celebrities born on the same day, pick the one that inspires you with the most unusual personalised gifts you can think of, and fit with the other items that you have for the special day!

Once you have done all your research, you then need to think about how you can going to package this all up!

Buy a personalised gifts box

Once you have done all this research and a little buying as well – you are going to have a few items to send to that special family or person. Take time searching for a gift box that works for the items you have. Don’t forget to check the size to make sure it all fits perfectly!

We hope you agree that this is a lovely, thoughtful personalised gift that is different every time, for every person, and can be adapted to whatever you need it to work for.

We have a few other great ideas for gifts and organising on the site, so why not take a look at them – we even have gift tags for various occasions that you can print out too.

Gift organisation ideas and printables

Printables and gift ideas for you organised mums and dads out there!

Here are some ideas for off site for gifts too.

Other gift ideas from the internet

Here are some more ideas from the internet for what you can do for those special people in your life an their special days.

If you like what we have given you here – why not sign up to our weekly newsletter as well?

Thanks for stopping on by as well, and we trust you will be back again for more fun, and free stuff.

Take care,


This is a collaborative post.

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, website editor and a qualified counsellor with experience of working with both children and adults.She is a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapists, with her own private practise. She also freelances with her local Mind organisation.Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, use those grey cells at the same time, and supplement her counselling income.KiddyCharts has reach of over 680k across socials and the site. The site works with big family brands to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10. She is a specialist counsellor for neurodivergent individuals and brings this expertise to her resources and the site. She is also an ADHDer herself.KiddyCharts gives 51%+ profits to charities, focused on supporting mental health and a community in TanzaniaHelen has also worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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