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17 top tips for half-term survival

Half term activities: baking

Could you get out the scales and bake with the kids?

I find this half term the most challenging of the whole year..usually because its cold, and often wet and just not inspiring; this mean’s its really tough finding half term activities that work with the kids…

So here are my tips, which are also my plans for getting to the end of the week:

  1. We will get outside for a bit every day – wrapped up we will go to the park and feed the ducks or walk to the library
  2. Finish up some craft kits – today my youngest made his crispy house as we didn’t get it done at Christmas and it looked fab, we had it for pudding.
  3. My daughter and I have done some cooking already and made a parsnip cake – everyone liked it and they would never eat a parsnip! There must be lots of points for Mummy there!
  4. One of the local cinemas has a kids film on every morning for a £1 so I think we might check that out – what deals have you got near you?
  5. We also have a new museum nearby, so we could go there; many of them are free, do you have any you can take the kids to, they might have free events on as well
  6. There are signs of spring coming local woods are full of snow drops and aconites. We will go and see them and look for other signs of spring
  7. If its really cold everyone loves a hot chocolate when we get home especially with an added treat of marshmallows, that will usually convince everyone its worth going out
  8. As we have a bit more time we could build a great train track and leave it up for a few days
  9. We can have pyjama morning where we can be lazy and watch a film without getting dressed – some people can manage a day, but I find we need some fresh air and change of scene
  10. Half term activities; craft is always a winner

    Get out the colouring!

    Tuesday is pancake day and we all love pancakes and everyone can choose their favourite topping

  11. Meet up with friends
  12. Do the supermarket shop, and in the holidays I let the kids choose some of the things we buy so we may have some holiday cereal or more exotic fruit
  13. As it Valentines day this week we will bake and then decorate ginger bread hearts
  14. We will also make some cards to keep for coming birthdays
  15. Then there are the games, puzzles, pens and colouring to do and if we put on a story CD that keeps everyone happy for a while.
  16. We may even go swimming as we haven’t done that for a while
  17. I think we will actually have quite a lot to do and the week will fly past and before we know it they will be back at school.

Do you have any other tips to share with us – please do let us know below!

This is our regular Tips for Parenting guest post by Beckie Whitehouse from Be Confident Coaching.

Photos courtesy of Microsoft Clipart.

Beckie is a mum to three kids, and works in the Cambridge area as a coach. Feel free to get in contact for a no obligation discussion.

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