Obviously, it is important to wash your hands properly. And there is NOTHING more important than teaching your kids to be able to do this too, and FAST. How about getting hold of a free wash your hands poster then for them.

BUT this time, YOU get to choose the lyrics that they and you can sing along to while you wash your hands. These lyrics will fit PERFECTLY into the 20 seconds. Which is the ideal hand washing time needed to stay safer from Corona Virus.
I know – genius.

All you need to download a poster like this is go to the Wash Your Lyrics site to generate your free wash your hands poster and boom; a printable to help keep kids and you safer.
This has GOT to be one of the best websites and printables that we have ever, ever seen! And obviously we have met a few here on KiddyCharts…. we do love a good printable.
The ones we have made here are to Jess Glynn Hold my Hand, because, well it seemed appropriate. But frankly you can create anything you want with the site. Anything that works for you…
How about Raise your Hands from Bon Jovi?

Yep – they can do that too!
Sadly, when we tried some nursery rhymes, and I am not sure that its lyrical capacity extends that far; which is a bit of a pity, but you can’t have everything right?

So go make your Free Wash your hands poster and keep the Coronavirus at bay; at school, the workplace or wherever works for you.
And if you are looking for some other great printables to take a look at on our site – have a go with these colour pages, but only after you have washed your hands of course…
Other colouring pages your kids will love on KiddyCharts
We have a range of adult and kids colouring on the site - why not check these out?
Unicorn coloring pages: For kids and adults
Who doesn't love a Unicorn?!?!
Dinosaur coloring pages for adults and kids
Or a Dinosaur in fact?!!?
Butterfly coloring pages for adults and kids
We have some lovely Butterly colouring as well...
Butterfly lifecycle printables
...and some lifecycle pics too!
If you are looking for other articles and help on Coronavirus – do take a look here too:
Coronavirus resources from around the web
Resources from around the web that give more information about the Coronavirus.
Coronavirus: Everything Parents Need to Know Right Now
A great article covering everything we need to know as parents on the virus.
This Teacher's Hand Washing Hack Has Gone Viral and With Good Reason
Excellent hand washing hack for teachers (and parents) to encourage hand-washing in their kids - if this poster doesn't work?!!?
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We hope to see you again soon.
Take care,