We have a lovely giveaway on the blog today – something that really brings back the old memories from my childhood; Corgi Toys from Hornby at www.corgi.co.uk.
We have:
- 3x Corgi Toys Play Sets, and
- 3x Corgi Toys 5 packs.
Each are worth £9.99; and that means we have a total of nearly £60.00 of goodies to giveaway to our lucky readers. The picture above gives you can idea of what it is you can win. I am particularly loving the little sets of vehicle *mental note to buy for Stuntboy* Six readers will win one of the toys each. Corgi will decide who gets what.
Corgi always conjures up afternoons in the garden with my brother, racing our cars in the backyard. So why not get some of these lovely toys for your little ones to make those memories with as well?
As always, all you need to do is fill out the Raffelcopter below, and the rest is history.
This giveaway ends at 11.59pm on Monday 3rd February. For all our usual terms and conditions, please do pop along to the standard giveaway T&C pages for kiddycharts.com. Any questions then give me a shout too.
Sunday 2nd of February 2014
I remember us having lots of cars, all packed in a storage case, but I think they were more my dad's than ours! My son had lots aswell when he was young.
Jayne B
Sunday 2nd of February 2014
playing outside in the garden along with siblings as always loved to be outside
Erica Price
Sunday 2nd of February 2014
I had a box of cars and I used to love crashing them. Not sure why.
Hayley Todd
Sunday 2nd of February 2014
I was very close to my cousin when we were growing up and he was mad about Corgi cars. We would always play all sorts of games with them, like Cops and Robbers, Car Racing, Chasing!
Petra Hora
Sunday 2nd of February 2014
At my oldest cousin Andrea
Sunday 2nd of February 2014
My favourite memory was watching my son push his Corgi cars around his car mat for hours on end. Now he drives around for hours on end!