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January Blog Carnival for Business Mums with Business Plus Baby

Business Mums Blog Carnival

Business Mums Blog Carnival

So we have made it this far; the end of January – hope you are all relatively unscathed by the start of the 2013, and that it will be an exciting year for all your businesses.

We have been thinking hard on the KiddyCharts blog about the difference between being a business mum or a business dad – what do you think, is there one? Be fascinated to hear your views. One thing I struggle with as a mum is the lack of transition from work to collecting kids, and sometimes that means my patience suffers, as discussed on Stickers, Stars and Smiles this week. Do you need transition time too? Do you get any?

If you are anything like me, you started 2013 with some grand plans for those businesses regardless of any differences between you and your partner. Some of you will be focusing on your marketing, so hopefully TJ Consulting’s advice on Facebook ads and promoted posts might come in handy. Perhaps even alongside WP Design Genies thoughts on WordPress, because we all know how much appearance matters in your marketing now, don’t we? A lot of people in 2013 will have started off with a diet, Beautiful Swans has some sage words about making those diets successful. It’s all about belief. Which can be said of many things; willpower and the belief you have in yourself goes a long way to creating success. Business Plus Baby talks eloquently in her post about how self-talk can damage those chances of success. Be positive and maintain your belief in yourself!

Maybe that belief has stretched to you thinking of setting up a new venture in 2013? If so then Family Friendly Working could have the solution for you with their guidance on turning that craft hobby into a profitable business. Perhaps somebody out there is missing a trick given Reasons to be Cheerful‘s wrestling saga with her handbag; oops dustbin. Don’t all business mums have handbags that look like hers – let us know – mine certainly does, though minus the flump of course. We have a mauve batman toy instead, naturally….

Someone should set up a working mums handbag consultancy perhaps? If they did, they would need to follow Erica Douglas‘ tips for successful self employment though. Possibly I ought to take note of number six a bit more (ahem). If you are an entrepreneur, I am sure you listened hard at school and didn’t do any of the things that cause students to fail, which Joanne is chatting to us about on her Book Pond blog this month.

When packing our handbags after that consultancy lesson, we never have time to think. However if you are going on a ski-ing holiday, we definitely should be thinking what to take, and Baby Abroad offers some excellent advice on just this. I shall be taking note as we are off to France for the first time in a few weeks.

Talking of travel, one of the things I am rather excited about in 2013 is the advance of my business onto other shores, Australia in particular, and we can also welcome Little Para Pants to the carnival from the very same place. She is explaining why we shouldn’t use disposable swim nappies again, wise words and definitely not something I was aware of.

Boutique Market has started 2013 off with a bit of travelling too, which some visits to new craft and vintage markets for the company. This blog post has some great photos in it, so perhaps this business mum should be heading the advice from More 4 Mums about how Pinterest can really work for us all. I love Pinterest too, and have had some great traffic increases from it over the last few months. Come and join us both on there!

Safety is paramount when you travel with kids, and Kids Travel 2 are giving us some great reasons on their blog why we should be thinking about rear facing car seats, even as our kids get older.

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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Friday 1st of February 2013

Interesting read, always enlightening. Off to do the read around now. Thanks for hosting Helen.

Clare at BabyAbroad

Thursday 31st of January 2013

Thanks for hosting the carnival. It's nice to read some different blog posts. I'm slowly making my way around them!

Julia, KidsTravel2

Thursday 31st of January 2013

Thanks for hosting - going to take a look at the posts now!


Thursday 31st of January 2013

Thanks for hosting, I am off to visit some more blogs


Thursday 31st of January 2013

Great post. Just thinking how the main difference for me, between working mums and working dads, is perception. Society sees dads as men who work who have children. Women are still "working mums". We have moved mountains and come so far in the last 50 years but very rarely do you hear the phrase 'working dad'.

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