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Winter activities for children: Ten simple indoor ideas

Winter activities for kids: Arguing over screen time

Winter activities for kids: Arguing over screen time

Is it just me or is life with kids somehow just a bit easier in the summer? Winter activities for children just don’t seem to come that easy…

….provided it’s not raining, in the summer you can just throw everyone into the garden for a bit?

Are there less demands for activities involving screens and less fights, or have I got my rose tinted glasses on thinking life is better some other time than now!!

Actually, today has been a really good day and the day when Daddy goes back to work can be a difficult one. It did help it wasn’t raining, so we met friends for a walk.

And even before that, thank you letters were finished with no grumbling.

We than nipped home for a quick change out of muddy gear and then went to theirs for a play and the Mums to gas over a coffee.

There were no arguments and no trashed bedrooms it was great.

This afternoon the boys had haircuts and it was only just before bed things went a little awry. I was going up the stairs to find the oldest as something had happened with his sister and she said he had sworn at her…you know how it goes he said and she said etc etc.

I heard him muttering the same words under his breath, but he was around the corner of the stairs. I completely startled and scared him, and am hoping it might make him think twice about his language, but we will have to see.

Christmas is a fab and we love it, but it does seem to be a holiday where my children don’t really recover from the very long term.

They still seem very tired, and although it’s tempting to have some late nights, we have to be fairly rigid with bedtimes. If they lay in, it would be a different story.

Tomorrow we brave town…the youngest needs new school shoes; his have holes in the bottom, so I am just hoping we can go on the bus, get the shoes, and perhaps some new trousers whilst all remaining happy.

Winter activities for children - Board games are a winner

Winter activities for children – Board games are a winner!

I do find it easier when the weather is better and they can go out to play, but there are some great things about the seasons and I wouldn’t wish them away, or the times we have had indoors when we can:

  1. Roast marsh mallows over the fire
  2. Drink hot chocolate and have a nice chat
  3. Try that bit of craft we have been meaning to do for ages
  4. Dig out the dressing up clothes and put on a play for any adults patient enough to watch (!)
  5. Get an apron and start baking
  6. Dig out the food processor and make a great, healthly smoothie
  7. Curl up in front of a film
  8. Grab a few colouring pads and felt tips for some good old fashioned fun
  9. Play a good game of cards or mini trumps, and
  10. Squabble over a good board game!

What do you like best about the winter? What winter activities for children do you like to do?

This is our regular Tips for Parenting guest post by Beckie Whitehouse from Be Confident Coaching.

Photos courtesy of Microsoft Clipart.

Beckie is a mum to three kids, and works in the Cambridge area as a coach.Feel free to get in contact for a no obligation discussion.

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shahbaz khan

Saturday 12th of March 2016

yeah! great information thanks for share its :)

Martin Brenner

Tuesday 1st of March 2016

Great share. It is useful to make your kids teach new and different things. You can help your kids to grow indoor plants in your house. This will make them realize the importance of plants and you will be able to produce some natural vegetables and fruits in your house for your kids.

You can help your kids and tell them about different plants and vegetables.


Sunday 6th of January 2013

I don't know I feel my kids want to go to the park more when it's not raining and that's not always practical. My snowman is in my Silent Sunday.


Sunday 6th of January 2013

Am popping over there now to check it out, thx v much for commenting :-)

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