If you are like us, you probably panicked at the start of lockdown and bought Disney+. Perhaps you weren’t sure what on earth you were going to do with the kids for a bajillion years without being able to escape to Costa, or the local park for five minutes of peace. Don’t panic though, Hamilton is coming to Disney+. Oh – and we’ve got loads of free activities for kids too of course!
UPDATED 23rd June: It seems as though Disney Plus have withdrawn the Seven Day Free Trial offer for their package. We are looking into this to get an update from Disney’s press office to see whether there are any alternatives out there – watch this space!

And we have NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED to see a film as we are to see this one. It feels like it could be even better than The Greatest Showman, and the kids were singing that one for months after its release.
Check out the Hamilton trailer on Disney+ and see what you think for yourself.
Big, bold and beautiful. Check it out now – we most definitely will when it is released. Don’t worry you only have a few weeks to wait too.
Hamilton is released on the 3rd July on Disney+

Hopefully the Hamilton trailer and its addition to Disney+ give you some great me time for you, while the kids are busy watching.
However, if you are really struggling for things to do with the kids, and Disney+ hasn’t quite managed to entertain them for 12 hours a day (!) then do take a moment to check out some of the other activities that we have on the site as well, if you can.
Indoor Activities for kids
Here are some more wondewrful indoor activity ideas for kids - including a list of 100 things to do!
Self isolation kids activities: 100+ things to do at home #31DaysOfLearning
There are a lot of things you can do with kids at home without less fun. Check out this list of indoor activities.
10 simple rainy day activities for kids
When it comes to rainy days, you will be forced to stuck indoor. Check out these activities to have some fun while you stay indoor.
10 awesome ways to incorporate sensory play into the playroom
You still can do some sensory plays while you are indoors.
We do always try to keep your kids entertained as best we can – we have a lot of resources on the site, and we endevour to update them every week with new and exciting ideas. We do try to give you a new printable every single week, so why not sign up to our newsletter as well?
If you do, you will be joining nearly 6000 other mums and dads that think we are fabulous too!
Thanks so much for coming to see us, and dropping by today. We do hope that you take the time to come and visit us again over the next few weeks. And remember to pop over to the KiddyCharts Facebook page to join the conversation!
Take care,
This is NOT a sponsored post at all – we love Disney+ and musicals, so we thought we would share it with our audience for free.