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Cardboard box craft ideas for kids #31daysofactivities

Thanks for joining us again for 31 days of activities – we have the lovely Mummy and Mex2 with a whole feast of cardboard box craft ideas for kids today.

Cardboard box craft ideas

We are sharing some of the fun ways we play and create fun games/ playsets with ordinary household items and cardboard boxes. The idea is just to use what you have available to you. We can hopefully give you a few fun ideas to create some fun and free activities with children of all ages.

A box does have to just be a box it can be whatever your imagination can create; the possibilities are endless. 

When you spend more time at home, it is easy to run out of things to do.

We find that after crafting our own playsets, which is a fun activity in itself, the children can be occupied long enough for you to work on the daily to-do list without the children getting under your feet. These cardbox craft ideas for kids are a fun and worthy distraction for them and a wonderful creative outlet for the whole family.

So, what ideas do we have to share with you?

How to make a playmat

Craft ideas using a cardboard box


  • Crayons /felt tips / paint
  • A large box
  • Optional lego buildings.


  1. Cut all around the edge to make sure we had an even shape,
  2. Draw a road/track,
  3. Add your village by using pencils to draw on a park, house, shops, church and school whatever you want really, and
  4. When you finish you can fold and pop away or simply recycle.

How to make a cardboard castle

Cardboard box craft castle


  • A big box
  • scissors
  • Paint /felts or crayons
  • Paper to make the turrets but again optional as you can just cut around the top of the box for an easier  option.
  • Extras some string , paper and a empty toilet roll tube or two


  1. Cut a whole for the door, and draw on some windows,
  2. Cut off the top box flaps,
  3. Cut out squares to give our castle a medieval feel,
  4. Decorate the outside and add some paper to the inside as a carpet and some string to the door (optional), and
  5. Make turrets using paper and toilet roll tubes, which you can decorate and rest on the top.

How to make a cardboard car

Cardboard box craft ideas car build


  • Your box
  • Glue stick
  • Some scissors
  • Paints / felts
  • Optional duct tape for mirrors.


  1. Remove the flaps from the top leaving on to be used at the windscreen,
  2. Cut out 4 circles for wheels, two rectangles for the number plate and badge,
  3. Cut the windscreen out and used that card cut in half to make the wing mirror.
  4. Decorate the car. Not forgetting to colour in the mirrors , wheels and number plates,
  5. Once dry, glue on all our pieces.
  6. Finally, cut a small snip up the side on the wing mirror, then add a small amount of duct tape to imitate mirrors and slot them on the front.

Other cardboard box craft ideas

Extra ideas we wanted to share, but haven’t made ourselves, but we think could work well include:

  • A shop or stall. Simply turn your box upside down and decorate ,add a play till if you have one. If you have some sort of pole or an empty wrapping paper tube you could attach your own sign, or
  • Cut a whole out of the front of your cardboard box, and voila, you have a tv or a puppet show!

What other cardboard box craft ideas can you think of? Don’t forget our under the sea cardboard craft that we have shared before with you?

The next time you get a huge amount of packaging give it a go and your children will love it . Quick, easy and it encourages playtime away from technology, as well as reusing packaging in a fun way without a massive bill.

The really astonishing thing we’ve noticed is children are more than happy to play with a box, and their little imaginations are always so inspiring.

Sometimes, wouldn’t it be nice as an adult to be able to see the world through their eyes?

If you like this, why not sign up to our weekly newsletter for more activities. We give you a new one every day.

We have many more craft ideas for kids on the site for your kids to entertained.

Other fun crafts on KiddyCharts

Here are some more lovely craft ideas for you from KiddyCharts - why not go and check the out?

Or how about encouraging kindness in our kids with these amazing kindness activities for kids from around the web?

Crafts from around the web

Enjoy some of these great kids crafts from around the web.

Thank you for visiting us,


Jade is a busy mum of two running her own blog. She loves to blog about our family lifestyle. Her family loves crafts, indoor adventures and pyjama days. The site shares the joys of parenting: the good, the bad, and the embarrassing. . Take a look at her socials too: Twitter,Facebook,Pinterest, andInstagram.

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