Today we bring you a free printable that we thought would be very useful. You can use it during summer holidays when the kids are at home and might need a wee bit more inspiration to be on their best behavior or you can use them anytime really. This free printable is a good behavior punch card. Fill out each punch card and get a reward – it’s that simple. Let’s take a look at what this free printable entails, shall we?

Good behavior punch cards
These good behaviour punch cards are a great way to keep the kids motivated to do their best and get rewarded in the end. This is great for school holidays, during term time, or even if you just want to have more structure in your everyday life. It can be difficult to keep the kids doing their best sometimes, after all, they have many responsibilities as it is. But the truth is that with this free printable we try and do our best to help make your days easier.
Let’s take a look at the good behavior punch card worksheet.

As you can see, this one page sheet is both cute and functional. You can print it out as many times as you need. Just cut out each individual punch card, have your kid write their name on it, and voila! Which means it works just the same for families with one child as it does for families with multiples.
As soon as they complete the good behavior or action you can punch a hole in the card and when it’s complete treat your child to a day out, a toy, or even their favourite film. It’s all up to you to choose what you want to reward your child with or they can choose their own reward out of a list of parent approved suggestions. That’s also a good idea as it will help them be involved every step of the way and motivated throughout.
Here is what each card is for;
- Reading,
- Chores,
- Eating healthy,
- Kindness,
- Independence, and
- Discipline.
All of those things can mean what you as a family choose them to be, or even what you as educators choose with the kids in your classroom. Part of the fun is to see the kids get involved in each part of the process.
The cards offer focus for specific behaviors or tasks within either the home or the classroom. Don’t overwhelm your kids by using too many at once – focus on one, and get that perfect. Then you can move on to the next one. For example, how about printing the chore punch card to get the kids to help with the washing up? Once they have nailed that – perhaps you might like the print the reading punch card, so that they do their 15minutes of independent reading each night before bed?
You decide what focus you need from all of the activities and behavior ideas we have, and then print out what works for you and your kids.
We hope you like this free printable good behavior punch cards and put them to good use. Just click on the button below the image to download your own.

We thought these resources on goals and wellbeing from our site would be of interest. Take a look.
More ideas about goals and wellbeing on KiddyCharts
Here are some more ideas for goals and wellbeing on KiddyCharts for you all.
Life goals sticky notes planner to give you focus
Sticky notes goal setting - which is great for primary and teens - it is available on our premium site, so why not check it out - only £2.95!
Wild animals mindfulness colouring book for kids and adults: Raising money for charity
Why not try our mindfulness coloring book - to help with your and your kids wellbeing. Get coloring together!
How to help your kids recognise their emotions: Free printable #31DaysOfLearning
Helping children to understand their emotions a little better, which is really important in developing positive mental wellbeing.
And there’s a lot from the web too, here are some we recommend.
Chore resources from the web
More resources from the internet focused on helping parents with setting and managing chores from an early age.
Starter’s Guide to Toddler Chores
ideas on how to start doing chores with your toddler.
10 Tween Chores Your Middle Schooler Needs to Survive
Thoughts on chores with slightly older children - tweens - and how to survive managing them as a parent.
Teaching Currency and Maths Using A Chore Chart
Finally, a chore chart with real money that helps to teach your kids Maths as well as doing the household chores. We think this is an excellent idea.
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