We have taken a new broom to the site, and swept it clean! From now on all our printables will be offered to you for free.
Yes; we now have FREE printables on the site, from free reward charts to free 5 a day charts.
All of them are still personalised; so you can add your own photos, choose your own backgrounds, and even pick a theme that your child likes…but from now on THEY ARE FREE.
Now you can print as many or as often as you like. We used to charge £2.99 each, but not a penny anymore…!
We are going to be making a few other changes to the site in the next few weeks as well, so keep an eye of what we are doing. Changes will include:
- Something exciting for all of you that love our giveaways
- More free printables on the site generally, as this is where we are moving
- More craft activities, starting with some wonderful valentines crafts next week, and
- A new chart to be created in Q1 2014 which I hope will help all those children out there that are going through a tough time.
Shout about this on Twitter, Facebook and wherever else you hang out – just share this blog post on social media using the icons at the top. It couldn’t be simpler. If you are a brand and and want us to create a printable for you, then do contact us.
if you are a parent blogger, then let your readers know; why wouldn’t they want to use our wonderful charts if they like this sort of thing. I don’t think you will fin a better free personalised chart on the web.
And if you are a fan of free printables: we have lots of free coloring pages already, so do take a look at them too.
Happy printing :-D