We already have loads of free reward charts for you to add your children’s picture to, and to personalise. We do realise though that sometimes you just want something to print out and run with though. And with this in mind, we have put together a print and run (!) bedtime routine chart that you can download and use now, just as it is.

What is included on the bedtime routine chart?
We have set up a series of ideas that worked for us when the kids were younger. We then created a chart with these on so that your little ones are in bed by 9pm, after doing everything they need to first:
- Get ready for bed at 8pm,
- Brush teeth and floss,
- Wash – up,
- Change into pyjamas, and
- Tucked in bed at 9pm.
There is also a blank option within the standard bedtime routine chart too, so yuo can add your own ideas afterwards too.

We have provided two further charts for you as well, with firstly the ability to change the timings for bedtime, in case your children go to bed earlier or later. For these charts, you have:
- Get ready for bed at ___ pm,
- Brush teeth and floss,
- Wash – up,
- Change into pyjamas, and
- Tucked in bed at ___ pm.
As you can see, you can add in the times for getting ready, and also when your children have to be in bed.
For our final chart, we haven’t added anything to the bedtime routine, so you can add whatever your kids want to do from when they start getting ready, to when they are in bed!

Our final sheets within the set include a sheet of stars for you to cut out and stick on. There are, of course, loads of star stickers online for you to buy as well. These metallic star stickers are our favourite!

if you need more ideas for your reward charts, including the rewards that you give to your children, do check out the other reward charts resources that we have on the site. We even have an article on good rewards for kids, chosen by the KiddyCharts children.
If you aren’t sure about the time that you might consider putting your children to bed, why not take a look at the advice we have on bedtime routines for kids. This includes suggested bedtimes, as well as nap times depending on the age of your children.

In order to download your amazing charts, you just need to click on the button below, and these are yours:
We think that these are rather gorgeous, and we hope you agree as well – let’s hope that the charts help you to get your little ones to the land of nod sooner rather than later:

We have other bedtime resources on the site, as well as this chart, so do take a look at some of the other ones that we have on the site if you have time:
Sleep related resources on KiddyCharts
We have a few articles that are relevant to sleep for kids - do check some of the other ones out.
Breathing exercises for kids to get a better nights sleep | Ad
Here are some ideas for you to try for breathing with the kids to help them get a better night's sleep.
5 Ways to encourage your child to go to sleep
Some ideas to help your children to go to sleep - we've got 5 great thoughts to help you out here.
How to get a toddler to sleep in their bed: Top 5 tips
Here are 5 tips to help you to get your toddler to sleep in their own bed.
We also have some recommendations for articles related to sleep and bedtime from off our site as well:
Sleep tips from the internet
More ideas and tips on sleep beyond KiddyCharts...
One Year Old Won't Sleep Through The Night - 20 Tips to Help
Some ideas for a toddler that won't sleep through the night.
Genius Tips for Helping Your Toddler Nap
Thoughts to help your toddler nap.
How to Help Kids Sleep On Their Own
Kids sleep ideas for making it easier for them to go down on their own.
We’d love to hear your ideas for sleep tips too, so why not drop us a line and let us know what works for you. We’d also be interested to hear how you get on with the chart as well.
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Take care,