We are all familiar with the work of Julia Donaldson, whether we know it or not. The author has created many lovable characters that our children have grown up with, such as Room on the Broom and The Gruffalo. To go hand in hand with the wonderful books and stories of Julia Donaldson, we have created some great resources and free printables! Check out our collection below and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know about our giveaways and new printables.

Julia Donaldson book activities
Our love for the stories of Julia Donaldson inspired us to create some of the cutest resources. These great free printables go along with her books. These book activities are a wonderful way for you to delve into the world of Julia Donaldson with your children. How would your little one want to have their own witch wand from Room on the Broom? Or their own What the Ladybird heard dominoes? These fun book activities are a great resource to have so Pin them for later!
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