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Win Smiggle goodies with Impact Tutors (3 prizes available worth £80!)

We are working with the wonderful Impact Tutors to give you some fantastic advice about getting a tutor, and to offer Smiggle prizes to THREE lucky winners!

We’ve got a first prize of one of these rather awesome backpacks worth £33.50 – ideal for any kid that loves the Smiggle school stuff:

Win these fantastic Smiggle backpack - closes 2nd Nov.

And then one runners up prizes of this set of school essentials, which sells for £16.50, and includes loads of awesome gear for school, including a pencil case, pens, a ruler, and much more!

You can win this too - why wouldn't you want THESE awesome Smiggle goodies - closes 2nd Nov.

And finally, the final runner up prize of all those stationery favourites that a kid just HAS to have for school! We are talking a notebook, pens, a ruler, it is all there and usually sells for £15.

Smiggle is amazing, and we've got THESE to give away - come and enter! Closes 2nd Nov.

There really is something for everyone in this competition.

All you need to do is enter through this widget and you are there! We are giving extra entry points too on this one, for signing up to their Educational Tips newsletter (5), and sharing the comp with friends who then enter (5). So come along, and join the fun.

Win a Smiggle goodies (3 prizes available worth £70)

The competition closes in four week, as usual for our giveaways, which means that you have until Thursday 2nd November, to get those entries in! So hurry – usual T&Cs apply. You will also be sent a 50% off voucher if you enter the competition as well. – so you can try the service to see if it works for you.

First of all – why would you want to even get a tutor?

TEN reasons having a tutor can help YOUR child today

  1. To bring your child back up to speed; sometimes it is so hard for teachers to focus on the individual in a class of 25/30. This makes it really difficult, if your child starts to fall behind, for them to catch up as perhaps they need a little bit of extra assistance, that is (through no fault of the school), hard for them to be given. Tutors can help bring your child back to the level they need to be at
  2. To work at your child’s pace; the disadvantage of a class environment is that the teacher has to go as slow or as fast as the strongest, or the weakest pupils. If you have a private tutor, the speed of learning is all total tailored to them. Their teacher, their pace
  3. To provide one-to-one attention; with the best will in the world, one-to-one time in the classroom is limted. Tutors offer face to face time that is really hard to get for you kids in the norml school environment. An hour a week here and there can make a massive difference!
  4. To offer a variety of learning experiences; there is nothing wrong with a classroom setting, but providing another teacher, brings with it another teaching style that could very well be what you are looking for with your child to help that in that specific subject. Tutors are available in a range of subjects, so you pick the area that your child needs the most help, and you will likely expose them to a more varied learning journey. Clearly something that will stand them in good stead as they progress through the educational system
  5. To remove a learning roadblock; sometimes no matter how many times their class teacher explains something, it just doesn’t go in; for whatever reason. The change of scene that a tutor can bring, and the time they are able to spend with the child, AND the familiarity your child will foster with that person, will make it so much more likely for any learning struggles and blocks to be overcome. Blocks can be punched through in collaboration with a tutor faster and more efficiently in the relaxed and nurturing environment of your own home too,
  6. To offer flexibility; learning at school is obviously within set times, getting a tutor to help means that you can fit it in the whatever tim of days suits you.Saturday morning, Sunday evening, after school – whenever you find that your child is most receptive outside the school hours, to learn,
  7. To stretch them; who doesn’t want to do off curriculum once in a while? Having a tutor does mean that there is likely to be a little more flexibility not just in the time that your child learns, but also in WHAT they learn. And there is an awful lot to be said for enriching the learning experience as much as possible,
  8. To help understand exams; a simple thing, but if you are tutoring your child for a particular exams, from SATs, to GCSE, and extrance exams for private education; your tutor will KNOW those exam formats, and expectation more than anyone. It is safe to put them in their hands, and to go to the exam expert!
  9. To help practise for those tests and exams; alongside the experience a tutor brings of the tests your children will sit, is also the availability, through a tutor, of practise exams and tests which can be entirely focused on your child’s development. That has GOT to be a win for both you, and your child, as they can go through anything they don’t understand, and even experience “fake” testing conditions in the comfort of their own home, and finally
  10. To make your life easier; face it, we ALL argue with our kids about homework, and wouldn’t it be oh so much nicer if in just ONE subject, it was actually someone else’s problem and not yours for a change?!!? ;-)

Having read that – I’m tempted to go and get one myself! If you do decide to do so, then Impact Tutors are London based and provide face-to-face tutoring at home for maximum impact. The owners, Ash and his wife Haleh are passionate about the company. Haleh has, in fact, a teaching background and has been a tutor for the last 12 years herself. All tutors within the company are qualified and vetted. They aim to provide a unique “love your tutor or get your money back” best match guarantee as well to ensure each client finds their ideal tutor.

Good luck with the giveaway – and if you do decide to get a tutor, may your child shine as brightly as they can!

Why getting a tutor can help YOUR child today!

Photos of products are courtesy of Smiggle, and this promotion is not run in association with them; it is independent. We do love their products though, and would be happy to recommend them as a great place to go for kitting out your kids!

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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Lia Burns

Friday 3rd of November 2017

I would choose Sam as he says he is fun and young. As a parent, to me I think learning has to be fun. If it isn’t then my child is likely not to take as much in and lose interest quickly!

Tee Simpson

Thursday 2nd of November 2017

I thin Benjamin as he has years of experience, is a specialist in the age range and is quite close by

Cristín Williams

Thursday 2nd of November 2017

Benjamin has a great many years experience and seems to specialise in maths based subjects

Caroline Smith

Thursday 2nd of November 2017

I would choose Benjamin, he's only 1.1 miles away, is a qualified teacher and is DBS checked which is very important. He also has 15 years experience which is a bonus.

Rebecca Mercer

Thursday 2nd of November 2017

I'd choose Benjamin as he's a primary school specialist, he looks friendly on his photo and has 15 years experience

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