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Six of the best outdoor and water games and toys for older kids this summer

It’s time to chuck the kids out into the garden with a few outdoor toys so that you can get a bit of peace and quiet.

Alternatively, you might even be mad enough to join in…

But what water games and other toys are there that are a little different for the garden, and can give you and yours a bit of good energetic fun? Don’t forget to check out these great play toys alongside the below too.

What do we think are the best outdoor and water toys for the kids to play in the garden. We've picked them - why not check them out. You are going to LOVE them!

My kids are nine and ten now, so they are looking for fun with water, mixed in with a little danger and boisterousness. We have trawled the Amazon outdoor pages so you don’t have to and found the best toys for slightly older kids to play with outside. What do you think? Anymore you would like to add to these?

Nerf Super Soaker Tournado Scream – Hasbro £17.99 (Amazon UK/US)

A great water toy for the kids in the garden in the summer; A Nerf Super Soaker Tornado Scream

No garden is complete, particularly if there are kids involved (either big or small), without a Nerf gun (US) in it somewhere. This gun has a fantastic spinning nozzle so you can get more of the kids with one shot! It also fires 10m / 35ft, and holds up to a litre of water too, which should mean there there is nowhere to hide for anyone…

Nerf Super Soaker Squall Surge – Hasbro £16.99 (Amazon UK/US)

A Water toy for the kids that uses a pumping action so they can shoot you from further away. Pop over and take a look if you dare!

If the Tornado isn’t enough for you, then you can always tool up with the Squall Surge (US) instead. Pumping this gun means that the special pressurised-trigger firing makes it possible to fire a very powerful stream of water to whomever dares to enter your garden ;-). It hold just under half a litre of water, and shots a little further than its brother at 10.6m.

Wet Head – Zing (Amazon – UK/US)

A perfect Water toy for the kids is Wet Head - check it out...its brilliant fun, but make sure you don't get videoed and go viral! ;-)

A game you can play indoors as well as outdoors – fill up the hat with water, stick in the four pins, stick it on, and take the #WetHeadChallenge with this Water Roulette game. You can use both the spinner to choose your forfeit, or ask trivia questions through the free app from Wt Head and Zing too. Make sure no-one is about to post the videos of you playing on YouTube though; there are quite a few videos of people already playing this game as it looks like its going to be a big hit!

Bunch O Balloons Water Balloon – Zuru (Amazon – UK/US)

Fill 100 balloons in 60 seconds for the ultimate water balloon fight this summer! Go on, take a look, you know you want to find out how to do this, go on! ;-)

This is quite simply, an awesome invention and was a wonderful Kickstarter campaign that just went viral! This product lets you fill and tie 100 water balloons in less than 60 seconds. Just brilliant for playing in the garden, and what better is that there are a number of different products available now as well, including X-Shot Bunch o Balloon 3-pack (RRP £9.99), a launcher pack (RRP £14.99) and a value launcher pack (RRP £24.99), so you can really get stuck in with the water balloon fights in the garden now. The value launcher comes with TWO balloon launchers, so there really is nowhere to hide now ;-).

Water Balloon - 100 of them in 60 seconds - brilliant toy for getting out in the garden and having fun. Perfect for summer parties for kids.

This toy is definitely our favourite from all the ones we have featured. Perfect for water games for the kids for parties; give them each a launcher and just wait to see them all get totally soaked! A perfect way to spend your party ;-)

Air Storm Z-Tek Bow – Zing (Amazon – UK/US)

Fantastic bow and arrow set for any hunger games fans out there. Check it out.

Got a bigger garden, or fancy getting out and about, then the Air Storm Z-Tek Bow could be the toy for you, as its got a range of 125ft. Yes, you heard right, 125ft!

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Be careful whom you aim at of course; my cate, for example, scarpered as soon as we got this out in the garden ;-)

Bug Attack Bow and Arrow – Zuru (Amazon – UK)

The Bug Attack series has a new set - a bow and arrow for Hunger Games followers. Just throw the bugs, and hit them with your bow and arrow. Kids love it.

This is the latest addition to the Bug Attack series (Amazon UK/US)  of games, and works well in the garden, particularly against the side of the house, or a fence – though make sure you don’t bother the neighbours. Throw the bugs against the wall, watch them stick and pull back that bow and arrow to knock them off again. Great fun for boys and girls alike…particularly in the wake of the rise in bow and arrow games after the release of The Hunger Games of course.

So here you go, here are six of the best water games and other toys for the garden which we have found – what else would you add though?

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, website editor and a qualified counsellor with experience of working with both children and adults.She is a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapists, with her own private practise. She also freelances with her local Mind organisation.Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, use those grey cells at the same time, and supplement her counselling income.KiddyCharts has reach of over 680k across socials and the site. The site works with big family brands to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10. She is a specialist counsellor for neurodivergent individuals and brings this expertise to her resources and the site. She is also an ADHDer herself.KiddyCharts gives 51%+ profits to charities, focused on supporting mental health and a community in TanzaniaHelen has also worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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