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What is a social enterprise for KiddyCharts?

In 2018, KiddyCharts became the first parenting blogger site to become a social enterprise. We are now one of the only creative media / influencer sites to be one.

This means that we commit to giving AT LEAST 51% of our profit to community based, or charitable projects either here in the UK, or globally.

We are passionate about improving the lives of children, supporting the planet by campaigning for sustainability, as well as raising awareness of mental health issues globally.

With this in mind, the charities that we have chosen to partner with, share those passions.

We are aligned to these goals, and have given to both Young Minds and Reference for Life in line with this mission.

Since becoming a Social Enterprise, we have given over 80% of the profit we have made to these charities, and will continue to do so in 2022 and beyond.

Helen Neale, who owns the company, takes a very nominal salary for the work she does. All the people that we work with are both generous with their time, and their fees to help us give back as much as possible. We are always grateful for everything that our employees and contractors do to help us reach our goals every year.

You can do YOUR bit to

The beauty of the model that we use is that…

Every. View. Counts.

Because we advertise on this site, everytime you view one of our pages you are giving to our Social Enterprise cause. If you regularly view our content, perhaps by registering for our Time to Pee Club. Whenever you come and view what we do, you are supporting our causes.

Where else on the internet can you say that everytime you browse, you are giving to charity. Joining us on site means you get a FREE printable a week, just like these!

Grab our printable days of the week calendar on our premium site for £3.95.

Join our premium site, and most of our products in the shop are completely free!

If you aren’t sure you want the Time to Pee site membership just yet, then sign up to the newsletter for a flavour of it. Either way, it is all FREE!

We also have a paid membership to the site, which gives you even more including access to EVERYTHING we have in our shop, completely for free. It is only £5.95 a month or £49.45 a year. Why not check it out?

We believe that this is a unique proposition for a unique site.

So next time you are looking at the advert that you see in the sidebar, and getting annoying that it is taking attention away from the activity sheet you are trying to find.

Bear in mind that because you saw it, you might have paid for a little bit of time for a teenager to chat to a counsellor about their mental health issues…


You have helped to install water in a school in Africa.

These are, in fact, some of the projects that our profit has helped to fund over the last three year.

If you are here, you are helping.

And THAT’S amazing.

Thanks so much for your support

Without you, we wouldn’t be able to do what we do.

If you have a little time, why not pop over and take a look at the shop, just in case you are inspired to do more?

Sharing is caring!

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