We have a collection of amazing wellbeing authors and beyond supporting the KiddyCharts Summer Reading Challenge 2021. Why don’t you go along to their social media, and sites to see who they are and what they are up to? Some of them are also on our fabulous wellbeing book lists of course, but this page gives you a little more information about them and the ways you can reach out to them.

1. Leanne Brown: Our AMAZING wellbeing authors resource partner

Title of the books:
Daniels’ Dreams: Monster Mountain
Daniel’s Dreams: Wellbeing Pack
Twitter handle: @LeanneBrownDBR
Instagram Handle: @dreambelieveread
Facebook page: @DreamBelieveRead
Author website: www.dreambelieveread.co.uk
Jodie Elizabeth Adams

Title of the book:
The Caring Sharing Poetry Book
Instagram Handle: @jodie_elizabeth_adams
Sue Atkins

Title of the book:
The Divorce Journal for Kids
The Can-Do Kids Journal
Twitter handle: @sueatkins
Instagram Handle: @sueatkins18
Author website: https://sueatkinsparentingcoach.com/
Jayne Avery

Title of the book:
The Secret of The Golden Cauldron
Twitter handle: @JayneEAvery
Instagram Handle: @helpchildrentosucceed
Facebook page: @helpchildrentosucceed
Author website: www.jayneavery.com
Kate Ball

Title of the books:
The Mini Adventures of Freddie
Eat, Chop and Chew
Twitter handle: @minifirstaiduk
Instagram Handle: @minifirstaid
Facebook page: @minifirstaid
Author website: www.minifirstaid.co.uk
Billie Bacall

Title of the book: I am your Friend
Instagram handle: @iamyourfriendbook
Author website: www.iamyourfriendbook.co.uk
Lesley Berrington

Title of the book: A Day at the Farm
Twitter handle: @Hattiesfriends
Instagram Handle: @hattieandfriendsauthor
Facebook page: @hattieandfriendsauthor
Author website: www.hattieandfriends.co.uk
Aniesa Blore

Title of the book:
Parenting The Conundrum Child
Barbara Breen

Title of the book: 52 weeks of loving you
Julian Cappelli

Title of the book: Block Party
Instagram Handle: @julian_cappelli_author
Usha Chudasama

Title of the book: Your Happy Child
Twitter handle: @ushachudasama
Instagram Handle: @parentyourhappychild.com
Facebook page: @ParentYourHappyChild
Author website: www.parentyourhappychild.com
Danielle Clarke

Title of the books:
What Makes a Family Special: Guyana
What Makes a Family Special: Ireland
Instagram Handle: @bluestellabooks
Author Website: https://linktr.ee/BlueStellaBooks
Cheryl Davies

Title of the book:
The Perfect Potion
The Fairy Who Sings
Instagram Handle: @finding.the.magic
Author website: www.findmagicwithin.com
Julie Derrick

Title of a book: Hank the Hungry Monster
Twitter handle: @JulieDerrick17
Instagram Handle: @julie.derrick55a/
Facebook page: @themindmonsters
Andy Edwardson

Title of the book: Prickles the Hogglypot
Twitter handle @Hogglypots
Instagram Handle: @hogglypots
Facebook page: @Hogglypots
Author website: www.hogglypots.com
Jo Fitzgerald

Title of the book:
How to Keep Safe in a Sometimes-Scary World
Cold Toes at Christmas
Twitter handle: @aidingmental
Facebook page: @aidingmentalhealth
Author website: https://www.tinysponges.com (launching soon)
Lisa Forsythe

Title of the book: Simple Activities for Toddlers
Twitter handle: @LisaForsythe0
Instagram Handle: @simpletoddleractivities
Facebook page: @simpletoddleractivities
Author website: https://lisaforsythe.com/
Bambi Gardiner – to be added
Title of the book:
Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/OakaBooks
Instagram Handle: @oakabooks1
Author website: www.oakabooks.co.uk
Sophie Garner

Title of the book: The Creative Songwriting Journal
Instagram Handle: @sophie.garner
Facebook page: @sophiegarnerauthor
Author websites: www.thecreativesongwritingjournal.com
Mandeesh Gill

Title of the book: School Feels Different
Instagram Handle: @mandykg_author
Becky Goddard-Hill

Title of the book – one of more prolific wellbeing authors!
Create Your own Calm
Create Your Own Happy
Be Happy Be You
Create Your Own Kindness
A Year of Nature Craft and Play
Twitter handle: @BeckyGoddardH
Instagram handle: @beckgoddardhill
Facebook page: @emotionallyhealthykids
Author website: https://emotionallyhealthykids.com/
Fliss Goldsmith

Title of the book:
Erin and Roderick Discover Families
Instagram Handle: @flissgoldsmithbooks
Facebook page: @flissgoldsmithauthor
Joanna Griffin

Title of the book:
Day by Day – Emotional Wellbeing in Parents of Disabled Children
Twitter handle: @griffinpsych
Instagram Handle: @griffinpsychology
Facebook page: @affinityhub.uk
Author website: www.affinityhub.uk
Julia Hall

Title of the book:
The Fairies are watching you
Magic and Me
Instagram Handle: @the_fairies_are_watching
Katharine Hill

Title of the book:
A Mind Of Their Own
Left To Their Own Devices
Twitter handle: @KatharineMHill
Instagram Handle: @katharinemhill_
Author website: https://kellybroganmd.com/
Imani Hope

Title of the Books:
Creative Mindfulness and Regulation Workbook
Breathing in Nature Workbook
Facebook page: @Interlinks-111021270244359
Octavia Lonergan

Title of the book: Cats’ Eye View of Litter
Twitter handle: @poemsbyoctavia/
Instagram Handle: @alirothpoemsbyoctavia/
Facebook page: @poemsbyoctavia
Clare Luther

Title of the book: The Little Paws Hotel: Basil
Twitter handle: @head2heartbooks
Instagram Handle @head2heartbooks
Facebook page @head2heartbooks
Author website www.head2heartbooks.com
Henrietta Mackenzie

Title of the book:
The Secret Lives of Two Googly Eyed Cats
Twitter handle: @henrimackenzie
Instagram Handle: @ecofriendlyhenri
Facebook page: @ecofriendlyhenri
Author websites: https://henriettamackenzie.ampbk.com/
Lynn McAllister

Title of the book: Pixie Van Dimple and The Wrong Kind Of Artificial Intelligence
Twitter handle: @Lynn26088825
Instagram Handle: @lynnmcallisterauthor
Facebook page: @lynncmbooks
Author website: https://www.austinmacauley.com/author/mcallister-lynn
The Mentality Project

Title of the books:
Depression and Anxiety Series, from a mental health nurse, so one of our experienced professional wellbeing authors.
Twitter handle: @TheMentalityPr1
Instagram Handle: @thementalityproject_
Author website: www.thementalityproject.co.uk/
Louise Mercieca

Title of the book: How food shapes your child
Instagram handle: @thehealthkick_louise
Facebook page: @The.Health.Kick
Author website: https://linktr.ee/thehealthkick_louise
Dr Sarah Mundy

Title of the books:
Please Stay Here, I want you Near
Parenting Handbook
Instagram Handle: @parenting_through_stories
Belinda Murphy

Title of book: Bella the Butterfly
Instagram Handle: @bellathebutterflylove
Author website: www.bellathebutterfly.ie
Avril O’Brien

Title of the book: Mitchy Titch – All Around the World
Twitter handle: @MitchyTitchYoga
Instagram Handle: @MitchyTitchYoga
Facebook page: @MitchyTitchYoga
Author website www.mitchytitch.co.uk
Amanda Peddle

Title of the book: TAM’s Journey
Twitter handle: amandapeddle69
Instagram Handle: @amanda.peddle2
Author website: https://tams-journey.myshopify.com

Title of the book: Larry at Number 10
Natalie Reeves Billing

Title of books:
My Daddy is a Monster
My Mummy is a Monster
Ben and The Bug
Twitter handle: @BillingReeves
Instagram Handle: @natalie_reeves_billing
Facebook page: @NatalieRBillingAuthor
Author website: www.nataliereevesbilling.com
Dr Elizabeth Roberts

Title of the book: Help! My Toddler is Not Eating
Twitter handle: @docrobertsdiet
Instagram Handle: @docrobertsdiet
Facebook page: @drelizabethroberts
Author website: https://fussyaboutfood.com/
Margaret Rooke

Title of the book: You Can Change the World
Twitter handle: @margsrooke
Instagram Handle: @margsrooke
Author website www.margaretrooke.com
Jayneen Sanders

Title of the books – another one of those wellbeing authors that produce a number of high quality books:
How Big Are Your Worries Little Bear?
You, Me and Empathy
Twitter handle: @JayneenSanders
Instagram Handle: @educate2empower
Facebook page: @e2epublishing
Author website www.e2epublishing.info
Amanda Seyderhelm

Title of the book: Isaac and the Red Jumper
Twitter handle: @TheKidDecoder
Instagram Handle: @amandaseyderhelm
Author website: www.amandaseyderhelm.com
Victoria Smith

Title of the book: Big H and Little H Dog
Twitter handle: @bongtreebooks
Instagram Handle: @bongtreebooks
Facebook page: @bongtreebooks
Snow Tiger Media (Maryon and Aron)

Title of the books:
Winning @ Maths series
Winning @ English series
Twitter handle: @SnowTigerMedia1
Instagram handle: @snowtigermediauk
Facebook page: @Snowtigermedia
Author website: www.snowtigermedia.co.uk
Shelley Wilson

Title of the book: Meditation for Children
Twitter handle: @ShelleyWilson72
Instagram Handle: @authorslwilson
Facebook page: @FantasyAuthorSLWilson
Author website: https://shelleywilsonauthor.com/
Maggy Woodley

Title of the books:
Easy Paper Projects
Red Ted Art: Cute and Easy Crafts for Kids
Twitter handle: @redtedart
Instagram handle: @redtedart
Facebook page: @redtedart
Author website: https://www.redtedart.com
Carlie Wright

Title of the book: The Rainbow Blots
Twitter handle: @CarlieWrightNow
Instagram Handle: @carliewrightauthor
Facebook page: @carliewrightauthor
Author website: https://carliewright.com
All these authors are contributing prizes to our amazing summer reading challenge – so go check out the challenge and see how these authors can help support mental wellbeing in kids this summer!
Thanks again for all these wellbeing authors support – feel free to contact them, and check their books out too. Any question on this, or anything else, do not hesitate to contact us.