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Now all you will get into your inbox from KiddyCharts is information on giveaways that we have on the site – as we have them.

We’ll send you details of when giveaways go live, and remind you when some are closing too.

That’s it!

Sign up to giveaway alerts for KiddyCharts

We realised that this is sometimes all our lovely readers want, and that’s totally fine.

If you didn’t mean to click on this link in the email, and you want more than just our giveaway details from KiddyCharts – you are welcome to come back to our summary newsletter. Just fill your details in here again:

Alternatively, you can sign up to articles as they happen but this is for EVERYTHING on the site, including our activities and advice. You can bookmark us for easier access if you want too.

If you are just after the giveaways – you don’t need to do anything else.

See you back here again soon.

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