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In the Media

KiddyCharts has amassed numerous amounts of publicity over the past years. It would be rude not to share it all with you, so here is just some of what we have been up to. Do check out our media pack here too. We are a social business, giving 51%+ profits to charity.

We do have our own press room as well, which is worth a look.

Most recent media coverage

Top 20 parenting blogs within the UK from Vuelio (Nov 2024).

Twinkl article (April 2024) covering mental health in schools.

The Focus magazine (April 2024) on what pen chewing is all about for an ADHDer.

Stylist article (Mar 2024) covering supermarket anxiety.

As an expert on neurodivergent brains for Dowsing and Reynolds (Feb 2024) helping to understand neurodivergent sensory lighting needs. article (Feb 2024) covering the benefits and downsides of the new trend for people to hurkle-durkle.

Good Housekeeping magazine (Feb 2024) article covering impulsive spending.

Sleepopolis article (Feb 2024) about sleepovers at Grandparent’s houses.

Article within Oh My Goodness News on neurodivergence, and our free book club for kids (February 2024).

Fortune magazine (Jan 2024) in an article relating to love languages for parents and children.

Yahoo Life (2023) on swearing in front of children.

Coverage of our wellbeing book club in Education News (Oct 2023), and also Well Being News (Oct 2023).

Having a stress free Christmas with our fabulous Christmas games on the site of the same name (Sept 2023)

Twinkl article on the best Dino crafts.

Must have nursery items from Newborn Nursery Furniture.

Valentines crafts featuring in Grazia Daily (Feb 2022).

Learning articles

Our event on 31 Days of Learning – for Science Week 2020 was given some great coverage in a number of educational publications including:

It also made The Sun newspaper in print as well!

Not once, but twice – with a feature from Mrs Crunch including our downloads.

And Marie Claire too, with our fantastic idea for making your own board game.

Do take a look at the other articles for this event on the site – we have 31 great articles focused on inspiring learning, which is really what we are all about!

Previous Coverage

Helen (who owns KiddyCharts) is a key parenting influencer, and was recently featured within Talking Influence on what it is like to be a parent and an influencer. Why not check it out?

Helen’s daughter (14 at the time) is a budding artist and she created this colouring poster to thank all the key workers in the Coronavirus pandemic. It appeared in the Cambridge Independent as their featured family activity on the 29th April 2020.

If you are looking for images of the editor, Helen Neale – then drop us a line; we have a few taken by the wonderful Victoria Weltron Brand Photography.

We have been named as one of the top parenting blogs in Home Muse Australia.

We are one of the top ten parenting blog, accord to Breastfeeding Mama.

The Best Free Apps to get you through Orlando’s theme parks from Attraction Tickets.

We have produced some amazing content as a Teletextpert for Teletext Holidays – so do check out our wonderful craft idea on there too.

World’s Best Beaches from Flightnetwork; we were one of the judges that helped on this.

World Travel Bucket List from Flightnetwork; we were one of the 800 judges used to compile this list

Top Tips for Happy Bunnies at Easter from The Sun Saver

A Christmas Box of treats from the Sun

Message in a Bottle’s fantastic article about our Christmas Advent in 2017

9 ways to get kids excited about going on holiday from Forest Holidays

Top 10 best blogs for activity sheets from Notey.

Coverage of our Visit Wales campaign

Family Friendly Working – Mumpreneur Profile

Inspirational Women in Business

Cakes Photos Life

Patch of Puddles

Herts and Essex Observer 2012

Cambridge News – July 2013

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