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Cat colouring pages: Ginger Furry Pussy Cat colouring sheets

We adore books on KiddyCharts; reading is one of THE most important life skills for our children. We want to do everything we can to instil a love of reading in kids from an early age. With this in mind, we are always willing to support new authors too, and after seeing these gorgeous Ginger Furry Pussy Cat books, we wanted to help Ken Hayward to reach a wider audience with his wonderful stories. We have got some gorgeous cat colouring pages for you, from these beautifully illustrated books, to inspire you to read, and to find out a little bit more about the loveable ginger cat.

If you aren’t familiar with the books, hopefully these cat colouring pages will inspire you. We’ve also got a few details for you on the stories too, to help you out.

The GFPC is the Burglar

Just who, or what is the GFPC? The Ginger Furry Pussy Cat is a cat without a name, a home and no-one to love him. That is until the night he burgled Gran’s house. Gran lived alone with her two Pussy Cats. Skimble the greedy cat, who loved her food and Ollie the blue cat who played all day long.

“Skimble likes to eat all day and Ollie likes to play, both of them are happy cats in their own special way.”

Poor Gran couldn’t understand why her cats were suddenly always hungry until one day she found the Ginger Furry Pussy Cat helping himself to their food. How was she to deal with this cat burglar? Let’s find out in the rhyming story of GFPC, ‘The Burglar’.

The GFPC is the Traveller

Ginger Furry Pussy Cat knew just how much Gran had come to love him and that she always worried when he left the house. Whenever he went on one of his adventure he was always careful to let Gran know where he would be and when he would be back but that didn’t stop Gran worrying.

“Ginger Furry Pussy Cat left Gran a little note. ”Gran, I’m going sailing ‘cos I bought a little boat”. “Gran was really worried now because GFPC can’t swim. If only he’d have waited, she would love to go with him”.

But when Gran, Skimble and Ollie found him in the garden, GFPC really did need rescuing when he discovered that his boat was made from cardboard and that just wouldn’t work.

No-one could have imagined what GFPC would do next, a trip into outer space sounded fantastic and he could not have imagined landing on the Moon, watching space fish floating around his little space ship or discovering that the Sun actually wore sunglasses!

“He’s going to need a spaceship and someone to take him there, an Alien who knows the way with a spacesuit he can spare”.

Of course, he must not forget to tell Gran where he is, a phone call and a quick trip to the flower man would put a smile right back on her face. 

Our New Home

What was Gran to do? Her little family was happy but now there was Gran, three cats, a fluffy doggy and sometimes even a mouse. “We need a bigger house”, thought Gran, “somewhere pretty with lots of hills and flowers, it will be our new home”.

“She’s found a house that’s built of stone, with a straw roof which Gran had grown. “How are we going to get there Gran? I know someone who has a van”.

As usual someone needs rescuing but could GFPC be the hero this time, and just who was the little creature who sneaked into the back of the van? Read all about the village of Bushy Wood in ‘Our New Home’.

We hope you agree that these books are work taking a bit of a closer look at. Why not check out the author as well?

To download the colouring: click on the square image below.

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About the Book Author

Hi, I’m Ken Hayward, Author and Illustrator of the Ginger Furry Pussy Cat series. I was born and raised in a mining village in what was the West Riding of Yorkshire and while a career in the mines (Darn ‘t’ Pit) was considered inevitable my parents persuaded me to look further afield.

At 15 years of age, I joined the Royal Navy and by the age of 19 I had covered at least half of the globe on an Aircraft Carrier before joining the fantastic world of submarines, almost every day was a unique adventure. The rest of the world came later and I have never lost the fascination of travel and culture.

Fortunately for me the Navy encouraged its younger sailors to write home often and it became a must do that kept Mum and Dad up to speed with a constant barrage of mail. They got the adventure stories from around the world and I kept the poetry to myself at least for the time being.

After 17 years as a Sailor and the Directorship of two engineering companies to follow, the writing stayed with me. My greatest pleasure came when I taught my little girl to read by sharing the sentences, being patient and taking credit for her first complete unaided page reading. The sudden invasion of our home by a real Ginger Tom cat prompted my first poem, ‘The Burglar’ and now, some 20 years on and with much encouragement from my wife and ‘that not so little girl’ I am fulfilling a dream by sharing my love of writing and art with those who will hopefully enjoy them the most. Read more at:

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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