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Your bedroom is an Oasis, or is it? Celebrate National Bed Month with Silentnight

Note: This is a sponsored post

Ever since we had our little ones we made the decision that mummy and daddy’s bedroom should be an oasis of calm *ahem*

However, somehow that never quite worked out…which is why the National Bed Month competition for a spring makeover from Silentnight appeals rather a lot…

We know that many parents do the cosleeping thang, but that has never really been for us. The bed in our room is not for small people to sleep in, its for big people. Small people bounce on it, and cuddle in the mornings with us, but there is no sleeping going on for them. Both my two are rather loud sleepers anyway, so I am not convinced if we had gone down that route that there wouldn’t have been more wriggling and less sleeping anyway….

Does that make me a bad mummy, not letting them sleep in our bed? I don’t think so; we made sure their beds were fun enough that they wouldn’t want to anyway! Stuntboy sleeps above a can’t get more fun than that?

National Bed Month: Stuntboy's Bed

Our kids beds are fun enough so mummy and daddy’s bed is just BORING!


However, the jumping thang has broken the bed – its now nailed together – they aren’t supposed to do it anymore, but unfortunately, old habits do die rather hard….

I suspect cosleeping is a bit less dangerous; and the relaxing nature of the room – well its never quite got there I am afraid….

We need it to be the oasis of calm that it was intended seven years ago. At the moment, its just a bit of a dumping ground for clothes, books, and anything else that I can’t think of where to put. My bedside table is a cluttered mess, and I keep banging my head on the shelf above the bed. Feng Shui it is not; Bang Headi it most definitely is *groan*

National Bed Month: Our Bedroom

Its not exactly relaxing like it was meant to be, is it?!?

So a makeover for my bedroom rather than me seems like a rather good idea! Marvellous – I never can be bothered to spend time making myself over. Beds are a much better choice; no lippy required either.

Prizes in the Silentnight competition include:

  • £1,000 bed; an exclusive standard double, platform top, non-storage 1400 Natural Luxury bed with a headboard from the company’s Diamond Collection.
  • £1,000 worth of consultation on getting the bedroom the way you want it from an interior designer; Allyson Houghton from Ideas Interiors.

But what to do with OUR bedroom?

I am not a domesticated lady – or in fact an arty one. I can’t cook, I clean sporadically, and haven’t actually seen anything remotely resembling my style since I became a mum. I left that in the delivery suite along with my memory, and waistline. However, I do know a thing or two about Pinterest. I donned my style hat today, and shimmied off there for some inspiration.

Here are the top five bedrooms that just scream relaxation at me – can I have one of these please?!?

1. The Blue Boudoir

This just makes me think of the seaside – of lying back and kicking off my flip-flops and soaking up the sun. Without the kids of course, otherwise I would be buried in sand, naturally.

Source: via Andrea on Pinterest


2. The when you wish upon a star room

This is just lovely – the star above the bed makes me feel a little like someone is watching over you – making sure you have a good night’s sleep. Do you think it might even keep the kids out?

Source: via Tucker on Pinterest


3. The chill out bedroom

This just looks so chilled – with the wondeerful chaise long, and the light above the bed, with those curtains. Though I think my cat might end up hanging off them; one can dream can’t one?

Source: via Monica on Pinterest


4. The wooden stripy one

I LOVE those stripes; very chillax. The wood in this room, and the mirrors above the bed would work really well with what we already have in our room. I am not sure hubby would like the stripes though…so we might have to rethink this one…


5. The hide yourself away room

OK – I put this one in for a laugh – but wouldn’t it just be great to have a bed inside walls to lock yourself away from the kids when they were really getting on your nerves? *everyone puts hands up*


So what do you think – my favourite is the star one, but then I am obsessed with stars given this website, non? Which one to you prefer? Do you have any other ideas? And if so, why not join in? All you have to do is send the link to a post you write about what you would do to your bedroom to Silentnight on either Twitter (hashtag #springmakeover) or Facebook. Go for your life!

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine!Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time.KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10.It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania.Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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Juxuan Feng Shui

Monday 29th of February 2016

Nice information! Helpfully for my life!

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