Do you put down goodies for Santa and his reindeer the night before Christmas? If you do, do you want to add a little bit of magic to your kids Christmas with just a simple piece of paper and a Santa placemat?
Of course you do! We’ve got a Santa plate for you on the site already, but in case that isn’t enough for you, what about using these placemats as well, or instead of our plate if you prefer?

Let’s check out the mats we have for you – you didn’t think that we would give you just one did you??!?
Show me my Santa placemat
We appreciate that kids like to choose things for themselves. It helps them feel a little more in control, doesn’t it? With this in mind, we have a few different versions of the mats for you. There is one with a black background, and another one that is black and white, which also saves on ink too. The black one could be a bit ink heavy if you are printing it at home.
There is also a cover to the Santa placemat set as well – just to get you all in the mood.

We have the jolly fellow on the front cover with all his reindeer.
Each of the placemats has the following for you:
- A place to put your carrot for Rudolph and the other reindeers,
- A cookie for Santa in case he needs a little pick-me-up after dropping off all of those presents to everyone across the world,
- Somewhere to put a glass of milk as well, as Santa might be pretty thirsty after all the work he has been doing for everyone getting Christmas sorted, and
- Finally a thank you for sorting Christmas out, as well as a space to put your kids’ names, so that Santa knows who left the placemat out for him.
We have five Santa placemats for you to download, the others have designs on the back, and are a little more colourful:

We rather love the one in our brand colours, as it just so happens to be rather Christmassy red and green of course!

We do hope you love these, and to download, all you have to do is click on the button below, and the placemats are yours!
We do have a lot of Santa-based ideas for you on the site, so why not take a look at some of the other ideas we have for you?
Other Santa themed ideas on KiddyCharts
Santa is a pretty important part of Christmas - so why not take a look at some of the other ideas for Christmas involving the Big Man!
Santa nice list certificate: Free and personalised!
Get your child a personalised nice list certificate - we've got one for boys and one for girls....what's not to like?
Printable Santa stop here Christmas door hanger
Get a little door hanger for the kids bedrooms - just to add to your decorations, and to make sure Santa pays a visit....
Roll a Santa game: free numeracy game
Roll-a-Santa is a fun, and simple little game for kids, that helps to teach numeracy and matching as well. It is also a great way to entertain the kids.
Free Rudolph and Santa plate printable
Some people LOVE to leave Santa and Rudolph some goodies on Christmas Eve, we know that we do - so why not check out this free Santa plate? We ALSO have a personalised version for 99p that you can put your child's name on!
Free printable Santa stop here sign
If you want to go a little further - why not add a Santa Stop Here sign outside the house - we've got a free one for you.
And if these don’t work for you, what about some of these from other fabulous kids sites as well – there are others out there that as good as us, we promise! 😂
Other Santa activities for kids (off site)
Some more ideas for the kids involving Santa - so once you have your list certificate you can do some other fun activities too.
Find the Letter S for Santa {Christmas printable}
Play the game and find the letter S in this printable Santa game.
Letters to Santa Letter Tracing Printables
Tracing ideas for letters to Santa from this site - really helps with pencil control for the kids of course.
Emotions Santa Printable - Red Ted Art - Make crafting with kids easy & fun
Finally, Red Ted Art and Hattifant come up trumps again with these gorgeous paper kaleidoscopes to help with kids over excitement at Christmas.
If you are after all our Christmas activities, check out the section on this for even more fun, including recipes, activities, and advice.
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