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Our Tower activity sheets

We have another set of wonderful activity sheets to go with our awesome monthly book from Quarto Kids today. Come on in and join us so you get the book, and can have fun with the kids this month. This month, the eBook everyone gets for free is Our Tower (RRP £12.99), with 10 lucky members also getting the physical copy for free as well. Don’t forget, we have another set of Shelf Care giveaways for you from LEGO and Readly (Don’t forget you get a free 6-week trial with Readly too!) again this month too, as well as Zimpli Kids giving us fabulous sensory toys EVERY MONTH from April 2023!

Our Tower is a beautifully illustrated book, all about the power of community and kindness. Our activity sheets reflect the gorgeous pictures, as well as the themes within the book.

New benefit for the club: Free goodies for all from Zimpli Kids

This month, we are adding something AWESOME to the club for every single person we can within the club (based in the UK).

We are giving away blind bags to everyone that is a member on a monthly basis, starting next month. So anyone that is a member on the 6th April, 2023 at 11.59pm, joining anytime in March and up to that date, will get TWO free blind bags of sensory fun!

We will be giving to everyone on a monthly basis as well – we KNOW how important keeping on moving can be in helping some children to focus and concentrate enough to read. Particularly those with autism, ASD and ADHD. We are therefore helping you out with a little bit of sensory magic from Zimpli Kids. Why not visit their site to see what else they offer as well? Their toys are brilliant for those with neurodiversity.

What is included within the Our Tower activity sheets

We have put together, with Quarto Kids, a 11 page activity pack for you all, including a cover sheet, and a copyright notice at the back.

The first two sheets are the cover, including a QR code for joining the shelf care book club, alongside the first of the sheets for kids to have fun with. This is a simple colouring page of the heroes within the book alongside a little activity as well:

  • What colour are the kids going to use for the swirling leaves, and
  • Can they draw their own home in the background as well?

Our next two activities are all based around the Tree-Grown Man that features within the story:

  • What colour are the kids going to choose for the Tree-Grown man? How many colours are they going to use?
  • How about adding some of their own magical creatures in the space around the Tree-Grown Man?

We have jumbled the sheets slightly here, so on page 5, there is an image of a window. Why not ask the kids to have a think about what they can see out of their window? Or perhaps imagine a magical place that they would like to be able to travel from through their window.

Why not drawn it on our activity sheet now? What magical creatures live there?

How to draw the Tree-Grown Man

For the fourth page within the activity pack, we have 9 stages for kids to learn how to drawn the Tree-Grown Man. Why not get your kids to have a go, and perhaps even ask them to decorate him with leaves from your garden?

The Tree-Grown Man, and the tree within Our Tower are an important part of the story. We have a simple tree within this activity pack. Why not get the kids to decorate it to bring it to life? They can draw, or even add bit of nature from their garden, or perhaps use glitter, feathers, or anything else that they have in the house. They could even pop into the kitchen and use Pasta if you wanted to!

For our 7th page within the activity pack, we are going on a BUG HUNT, as the children within the story hear the:

“Creatures lurking between the pebbles on the ground.”

Our Tower

What creatures can the kids find lurking in their garden or on a walk with their family? Print out the sheet above, and get them to take it on a bug hunt with them. How many of them can they spot? When they go out next time, can they spot more, or less?

Our next activity is a writing prompt:

Our Tower is about togetherness and kindness within the community. Why not get the kids to write a story about when someone has been kind to you or your family?

If the kids can’t think of something that’s actually happened – then why not create a story with community and kindness at it heart?

Our final activity sheet is a Kindness postcard activity for anyone, both kids and adults to take part in.

  • Cut out the postcard above,
  • Draw a picture on it,
  • Write a lovely message within the space for writing, and
  • Give it to someone you love OR leave it somewhere for a stranger to find.

What a fantastic way to encourage a little kindness in your kids’ communities?

To download these sheets, just click on the image or the button below:

We really hope that the kids and you like this activity, why not check out last month’s book activity, Beware of the Blue Bagoo too? If your kids aren’t signed up – what are you waiting for?

Looking for more reading related articles on KiddyCharts – take a look at these:

Literacy ideas on KiddyCharts

Here are some of the resources that we have on KiddyCharts to help improve kids literacy, including some writing prompts for them.

And we have other ideas for literacy and reading off site too:

Check out these free reading printables from around the web.

Why not sign up to the site if you can?

We would dearly love to see you again, so we hope you are back soon, and sign up for our book club too.

Take care,


Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, website editor and a qualified counsellor with experience of working with both children and adults.She is a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapists, with her own private practise. She also freelances with her local Mind organisation.Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, use those grey cells at the same time, and supplement her counselling income.KiddyCharts has reach of over 680k across socials and the site. The site works with big family brands to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10. She is a specialist counsellor for neurodivergent individuals and brings this expertise to her resources and the site. She is also an ADHDer herself.KiddyCharts gives 51%+ profits to charities, focused on supporting mental health and a community in TanzaniaHelen has also worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on.Get in touch TODAY!

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