Schoolgirl with blackboard via Shutterstock
Summer term tiredness is our latest topic in our Google Hangout series. It is now the end of summer term and my kids are shattered!! It has been a very long half term and there has been so much going on in school, the weather has been hot and the children are sleeping less because of it. We are ALL feeling the effects because of this :-(
Beckie Whitehouse of Be Confident Coaching gives us her insight into how we can cope with the end of the summer term and the start of the long, exhausting summer holidays.
Tiredness leaves us all with shattered frays and hot headed tempers. It is almost a relief when the summer term does end and the school run is no more for at least 6 weeks.
What can we do to help and what lessons can we learn when looking back at how we did cope with the end of the term? Here are a few suggestions for you:
- Miss the last of clubs if the kids are too tired,
- Make sure your child is hydrated. Thirstiness can often be the main reason for tiredness and it’s amazing the difference a bit of fluid can do for your mood,
- Could you have pjyama days to get through the first few days of the holidays. Unless you have to go to work or the kids are booked into holiday club, do they really need to get dressed? Could you have down days where you do not do much at all? Could you have your holiday towards the end of the summer break when you are (hopefully) feeling much more refreshed?
- Go with the flow!
These are just a few suggestions but you may have some more yourself. How do YOU and YOUR family survive towards the end of the summer term?