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Parent Coaching: It’s never too late to change your perspective, mum…

Sometimes all mums get upset, cross and frustrated

Sometimes all mums get upset, cross and frustrated

Beckie works in Parent Coaching, but sometimes even she needs to view life with a different perspective…

Another month has flown by – June is always busy and this last week particularly so with school outings, the fete and gym display. The kids have had a great time – film making and having a go at Aboriginal art, things we never did at school, but at the weekend it was one melt down after another in sheer exhaustion – physically and emotionally…

It seemed on a rotational basis, we would get one thing sorted, one strop resolved, and another would start with one of the others. Plus there was some quite destructive behaviour involved with calling themselves stupid, idiots, not wanting to do well at school etc etc.

I know it’s all worse when any of us are tired. Either the us being Mum or Dad, and/or the children. We cannot quite deal with everything in the same way; our fuses are shorter, our tolerances lower, and we take everything a bit more to heart and often we end up frustrated and angry.

Up earliest on Sunday – why does that happen? Kids are still asleep and yet I’m wide awake waiting for them to appear!!

So downstairs with a cup of tea, I watched a bit of Jo Frost – and it was brought home to me again that our kids copy what we parents do, we are their biggest role model.

I am a far from perfect mother; sometimes I think I do pretty well, others not so well – like all of us, I am human and I make mistakes.

Sometimes all mums need a different perspective on life

Sometimes all mums need a different perspective on life

But I have been spurred on to have an honest look at myself and book a hypnotherapy appointment with the guys I trained with. I know I have struggled with my self -esteem, my beliefs in what I can do and achieve. I am a bit of a perfectionist, something I can trace back through my parents and on a day when I am not 100% this can cause huge frustrations.

Some of this I have worked on myself, but it is hard to work on your own subconscious mind with your conscious mind! So, I have been brave for me and the rest of the family and am going to change these unhelpful beliefs and habits.

It is never too late to be become the person you want to be and there is no shame in seeking help.

In fact often it’s the braver thing to do.

Check out Top Five Regrets from the Guardian it mentions courage and happiness and that’s what I am striving for.

This is our regular guest post by Beckie Whitehouse from Be Confident Coaching.

Beckie is a mum to three kids, and works in the Cambridge area as a coach. Feel free to get in contact for a no obligation discussion.

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Thursday 15th of August 2013

Well, being a mother is not that easy. Sometimes you encountered problems that makes you out of control. This parenting tips and coaching helps you a lot to change your perspective as a mum. Yes indeed, I've learned something. Thanks for sharing this post.


Tuesday 3rd of July 2012

Great post. I agree, our children model their behaviour on their greatest role models, us! I to am a perfectionist and I see this in my daughters. Trying to 'let go' is one of my greatest ambitions in life :)

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