When we have kids, we automatically want the best for them. We want to ensure that they are content and well on a day to day basis at the same time as guaranteeing or securing them a positive future. Now, there are various things that we can do to encourage this. But schooling tends to be a major factor that we should focus our attention on. After all, our little ones will spend hours of their weekdays engaging with schooling as they grow up and schooling can also open doors for them in their futures, allowing them to pursue the career that most appeals to them. Our kids’ educational experience does so much more than teach them their ABCs and 123s. It broadens their mind to the world. It allows them to develop specific areas of interest. It encourages them to be critical and make their own minds up rather than relying on what information is given to them. That is – if it is done well. There are various different educational paths that you can choose for your child and each has its own distinct merits. But the majority of people automatically put their kids in a schooling system outside of the home. It’s important to remember that homeschooling is an option for you to consider too. Clearly KiddyCharts has lots of resources for homeschooling, so perhaps this is something you are considering? So, let’s take a moment to consider some of the benefits of homeschooling the kids!
You can provide your kids with what they need
Yes, teachers may have received an extensive education and training in teaching little ones. But you can provide your little ones with this too. Sure, you might have to complete a little work to ensure that you are providing the best education for your kids possible. If you are rusty in any particular areas, such as maths, spelling, or literature, you’re going to have to freshen up on them. An online masters in school counseling can also ensure that you’re providing your children with good emotional support throughout their journey. But in short, if you are committed and willing to undertake courses and research that will improve your capabilities, you will be able to provide your children with a proper educational experience. You don’t need to rely on others for this!
Focus on individual needs
When kids head to school, they are placed in classes where one teacher has to focus on the needs of multiple children. If your child is quiet or shy, they may fall behind without this being noticed straight away. If you are teaching your child from home, they will receive your full attention and you can help teach your kids to be resilient. You can take a little more time to clear up confusion and difficulties too, ensuring that they master every subject or topic that they are taught.
Create a more comfortable schooling schedule
Kids who attend institutional schools have to stick to a rigid timetable. By teaching from home, you can make this more comfortable. If your child learns more when they have more small breaks in between subjects, you can allow for this. If they are more productive at a certain time of the early morning or late afternoon, you can accommodate this too.
As you can see, there are benefits that come hand in hand with home schooling and it might be something that you want to consider!
Don’t underestimate the effort that goes into homeschooling your kids; it isn’t for everyone. But it IS worth considering if it is something that you can commit to. It takes time and education for yourself too, but can be very rewarding.
We hope you like enjoyed reading about the benefits of homeschooling the kids, and if you do, feel free to subscribe to our weekly newsletter and get more advice and resources right to your inbox!
Thanks as always for coming over to see our site, we really do appreciate your time. If you have any thoughts on the benefits of homeschooling, do let us know too.
This is a collaborative post.
Jenn Menz
Tuesday 24th of November 2020
I homeschool my son whos is 12yrs old and two twin daughters who are 10yrs old and I've found that they are far more likely to engage with people of all ages than their institutionally educated peers. My reasons for homeschooling stemmed from the bullying that one of my twins received at school and broadened into taking the other two out as it became abundantly apparent that they were not getting the fullest education for the amount of time they spent at school. I fully understand that homeschooling is not for everyone (or for that matter every child) but I have seen the benefits to my family.
Mike Marko
Tuesday 18th of December 2018
I'm not against in homeschooling but for me letting your children go to a mainstream school is the best. Because they are not just trying to develop themselves outside the house but also learning to socialize with other children. So that the children learn to be independent on his or her own in the future.