Would you like to get weekly recommendations for books for kids for you to read alongside some amazing activities for those books to help and support your kids wellbeing?
If you would, keep reading….
I’m a librarian. I’m also a member of the British Counselling and Psychotherapy Association as a counsellor (MBACP). I’m also the editor of this site, and have been doing it for over 10 years. I’m also a proud Autistic and ADHD business owner (self diagnosed). All of these things mean I am passionate about kids mental health. I’ve create resources to help and support kids, including a kids mental health series, and lots of amazing advice and activities for parents on this site.
You can join our mailing list and get free recommendations every month for wonderful books from Quarto Kids to encourage reading, and help support your kids mental health at the same time.
Kids from age 3+ will like these ideas – the books are typically focused on those within primary school and later nursery school.
My experience as a librarian, and a counsellor, as well as my ADHD passion, put me in a unique position to offer something special to you all. Why not sign up and get your kids reading, and growing? All the books we will cover are here, so you can get them in advance, or check your local library has them.
We will send you activity sheets each month that go with a specific book from Quarto Kids, and you can sit down and enjoy reading the book with your children, your class, your grandkids, and beyond.
Next sit down and have a go at the activities – and have LOADS of fun together, while building up your kids. Reading is wonderful for children, offering them experiences, escape, creativity, and much more besides.
The books include themes each week, and don’t be surprised to be reading an Easter story at a different time of year – we like to mix things up. If you don’t like one week’s books though, just skip a week and you’ll find something else that suits you.

We cover everything from grief, and loss, to friendship, finding courage, perfectionism, and building empathy. Some books might have a seasonal theme to them too, we trust that won’t put you off the key messaging with them though!
Thanks as always for coming to see us on KiddyCharts. If you are looking for more wonderful wellbeing books, why not check out these lists of ideas for supporting your kids too, alongside the recommendations and activity sheets we have.
Wellbeing books for kids
Here are some more of our book lists for #BeWellRead focusing on using reading as a means for developing positive mental health.
Wellbeing: 45+ picture books on feelings and mental wellbeing
A mahoosive list of picture books focused on wellbeing - some of these are, simply, classics.
Teens wellbeing: 25+ books to help young adults with wellbeing
We mustn't forget teens wellbeing; so here are 25 books for them too.
Health and wellbeing: 15 Non fiction books to promote it in your kids
Non fiction is another important part of developing positive mental health; using books to learn and understand our wellbeing is very helpful.
35+ wellbeing books to support kids under 11
Supporting kids in primary, and under 11s with their wellbeing with all these fantastic book ideas - check them out too!
We do also have a mindfullness section within the site that is worth checking out if you have the time to do so as well.
We love hearing from you, so if you would like to comment on any of the books, or have any other ideas for the site, let us know. We are also available on the major social media platforms, as well, just search KiddyCharts, to find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. You can also check out the links in the sidebar as well to find us. Finally, sign up to more updates on our KiddyCharts WhatsApp too.
See you soon,