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The real truth about motherhood #voiceofmums

What is the real truth about motherhood - not sure nine years later I even know, but here are some thoughts!


This photo was taken when my daughter was two days old – nine years ago to the very day…..she’s a bright, bubbly, beautiful newborn. She doesn’t look like one, she looks decidedly alert. It is just like she was cheering her mum on for having working hard for 30 hours to get her into the world.

She hasn’t stop cheering, commenting, talking, crying, and generally making a hell of a lot of noise since. I wouldn’t have changed a moment from the last nine years for the world….well, maybe apart from the time we had to use a potty in central London on the street, or perhaps when I found out that Thrush isn’t just a small brown bird, and it actually gives your boobs hell if you get it there, or maybe even the time we lost her snuggly cat, or maybe…Oh, OK, it hasn’t been perfect, but then, is it ever?

I had a lot of ideas about motherhood before my wee girl was born, most of them were taken from books; some of them were a little TOO perfect and idealised, or too regimented even. Some of the information in the books was pretty good, but an awful lot of it wasn’t, in fact, no-one told the babies that there was a rulebook and they threw it away…

Motherhood is full of highs, and lows, full of joy and tears; full of extremes. There are no rules, there is no right way, there is just YOUR way. If it feels right for you and your baby, then don’t let a book, or anyone else tell you that its not.

I have two beautiful children who are now nine and seven years old, and the last few years have taught me a lot about myself, as well as them. Put simply, being a mum is:


Motherhood is awesome, but don’t ever expect to have a moments peace ever again..and though being called “mummy” is THE most wonderful thing…it is always blooming annoying when you have heard it for the fiftieth time that day, and all you really need is to go to the loo…

…Always on…

You thought you knew what tired was when you had been out all night partying and got back at 6am…but you get to go back to bed when all you have is you. Your 2-year old doesn’t get that you have a hangover (as if you would do something like that), or that you were up until 12am icing their birthday cake. They just want you, and they want you NOW


Yes – I find my children annoying sometimes, sorry, but there you go. I love them to bits but WHY don’t they listen to me when I tell them the same thing six times in a row? In fact, I told them the same things six times in a row the day before, and the day before….you get the message right?


You have GOT to laugh. Even through the tough times, it pays to keep a smile on your face, if you don’t…. But kids are also, very, very, funny. My son says the most amazing things, like the time he accused me of having ducks in my boobs. I am guessing that we made them this funny so that we kept them for the full 18 years, and don’t send them back when they are annoying. Even when you are having a monumentally naff day, our kids can always make us giggle.

…My biggest Accomplishment..

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t define myself as only a mum; I am many other things…there is more to me than the fact that I have raised, and continue to raise two children. However, I don’t think that there will be anything that I can achieve in my life that will come close to the wonderful experience of bringing two people into the world, caring for them, and guiding them. It is all with the aim that one day, they will leave *sob*. one day, both of them will make their own way in the world thanks to all of the support and love that they were given in their formative years.

That is nothing else but Awesome, and really; we all did that as mothers you know, every….single…one….of….us. Well done.

Thanks so much to Cussons for asking me to think about Motherhood for their latest #voiceofmums campaign, which looks at what Motherhood is really like and ties in with the release of a product I wish I had when my kids were smaller, something to help with those snuffly noses: Bath to Comfort Snuffles. The product releases a menthol fragrance to help relieve those night time stuffed noses.

Buy on Amazon


This is a sponsored post, but it’s really how I feel. It also contains affiliate links.

Helen is a mum to two, social media consultant, and website editor; and this site is (we think) the only Social Enterprise parenting magazine! Since giving up being a business analyst when juggling travel, work and kids proved too complicated, she founded KiddyCharts so she could be with her kids, and use those grey cells at the same time. KiddyCharts has reach of over 1.1million across social and the site. The blog works with big family brands (including travel) to help promote their services, as well as offering free resources to parents of kids under 10. It gives 51%+ profits to Reverence for Life, who fund a number of important initiatives in Africa, including bringing running water and basic equipment to a school in Tanzania. Helen has worked as a digital marketing consultant (IDM qualified) with various organisations, including Channel Mum, Truprint, Talk to Mums, and Micro Scooters. She loves to be creative in the brand campaigns she works on. Get in touch TODAY!

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